Storytelling with Content and SEO is the Foundation of Authority Storytelling is the heart of authority. It’s how you move beyond facts and figures to create a lasting impact. Stories tap into emotions, making your message resonate on a deeper level. Storytelling with content and SEO just makes sense. People don’t just remember what you […]
Storytelling As a Marketing Plan
Telling Stories That Market You Well We all have a story. It begins when we are born, but we typically don’t begin to share it with others until we are in our late teens or early twenties. This is when we begin to realize that our story impacts others and affects the way they think […]
Crafting Your Story
Leads and Potential Customers from Crafting Your Story Here, I’ll share how you will set yourself apart from everyone else in your niche by crafting your story. Think about all the emails and sales pages you’ve seen just in this last week, touting a new class, product, or service. Marketers will often highlight the features […]
Storytelling Techniques to Grow Your Business
Storytelling Techniques Will Grow Your Business Have you ever told a story that had your listeners engaged and fascinated and wanting to hear more? That is storytelling. Storytelling is the art of bringing a story to life in a memorable and entertaining way. I’m going to share some powerful storytelling techniques with you to empower […]
Storytelling and Memory: The Connection
Storytelling and Memory Want a Better Memory? Try Using Storytelling. Storytelling and memory go hand in hand and I will share how this works. Do you remember facts easily? How about a well crafted story? If you are like the majority of people, you will take good stories over dry facts any day. There are […]
Why I Talk to Strangers
I’ll admit it – I talk to strangers. I’m not sure when this began, but it has connected me with some pretty awesome people over the years. Several years ago, while waiting in line at the post office I met Barbara Winter, someone who’s been an online entrepreneur since the 90s. She’s also the author […]
Releasing Your Writing Inspiration Into Reality
How to Find Writing Inspiration Once I came online and began writing I decided not to look too deeply for writing inspiration. Instead, I choose to be inspired by the bigger picture of what I’m able to achieve in my life because I write every single day. With that said, there is something to being […]
Avon Breast Cancer Walk 2013
In October of 1992 I found myself in the office of an oncologist who was telling me that I most likely had less than a year to live. At some point I stopped hearing his voice, and the words hung like a cartoon bubble above his head. I was nodding, not understanding what he was […]
Connect With Your Target Audience
In today’s world of constant ‘noise’, how do you best connect with your target audience to share our message and begin the relationship that can turn into a conversation for our business? In an effort to engage our audience in a way that will allow them to consume our information, we must be proactive in […]
Your “About” Page
The most important page on your blog or website may very well be the “About” page. Most of us neglect this page completely on our sites, or just add a sentence or two that doesn’t have any real meaning to anyone who may read it. I would encourage you to take a serious look at […]