The most important page on your blog or website may very well be the “About” page. Most of us neglect this page completely on our sites, or just add a sentence or two that doesn’t have any real meaning to anyone who may read it. I would encourage you to take a serious look at what you have their now, see what other people in your field have included on their “About” page, and then take the time to rewrite yours so that it presents you in the best possible light. This will serve you well for years to come, and result in more prospects, profits, and business.
When you Google your name, more than likely your “About” page will show up near the top of the results. If you have only included an email address or a phone number, you are not taking full advantage of this opportunity to connect with your prospects when they are searching for you. Try to read what you have written from an objective point of view, and even ask people close to you to do the same. Ask yourself the hard questions here, like what people may think about you after visiting your site. More than likely you will want to make some changes.
Take a look at what others in your field have written about themselves on their blog or website. Do they include information about their education, work experience, community involvement, or family life? How are they presenting themselves to their prospects? Take some notes and see what ideas you can come up with about changing the way your information is presented. After doing this for myself, I decided to add information about myself in relation to my connection and membership with Rotary, an international service organization that helps people around the world and is working to eradicate polio. This has made for some excellent conversations with people who want to know more and see me differently after reading that part of my page. By using your About page as a way to connect with people, your business will flourish.
Make sure to go back and read what you have written on a regular basis, as your situation will change and you will want to be able to update your status for both new and returning visitors to your sites.
Thanks for bringing this point to light. I have just added my bio info on EZA and after reading this post I will definitely do some work on the about page on my website.
Great insite and advice. I never would have thought of it on my own either. As a newbie to the internet world and how one communicates with it, there is just so much to learn and find out. I am thriled to have found connie to learn from. She is very concise and articulate in her teachings.