When someone signs up to be on your list by leaving their name and email address, they are expecting to receive the report or recording that you have promised them. It is up to you to deliver fully on that promise to begin establishing trust between the two of you. Many people are cautious before […]
Build Rapport With Your List By Responding To Emails
Yes, you read that correctly. I actually respond to everyone who emails me. I started doing this back in 2006 when my list was less than fifty people, and I continue to do it now that my list is over 2,000. I believe this builds rapport between you and the people who have graciously agreed […]
Include Your Twitter Followers In Whatever You Do Online
Even though your followers on Twitter are not are your list, many of them are your prospects. Include them in what you are doing online by tweeting about it regularly. Be sure to let them know where they can sign up for your upcoming teleseminars, newsletter, internet radio show, or latest e-course. This allows you […]
Promote An Affiliate Product
Even when my list consisted of fewer than one hundred people, I still promoted affiliate products and services to them on a regular basis. I made sure that what I was recommending to them was a fit with my niche, so that it would make sense to them. For example, I was teaching them how […]
Storytelling – A Powerful Way To Keep Your Market Interested
Once I had about ten people on my list I began to email them once or twice each week to stay in touch with them. I didn’t have anything to sell yet, and I was only promoting a few affiliate products at that time, so I had to figure out what exactly to write to them.
Without even knowing it, I stumbled onto to one of the best ways to keep my market interested in me and what I was doing. This was through
Create An Event on Facebook and Invite Everyone
When Alex Mandossian challenged me to double my list in ten days last October, I imediately thought about creating an event on Facebook. I planned a teleseminar on one of my more popular topics, affiliate marketing, about a week later, and then spent many hours inviting all 4,000 of my friends to opt in to be […]
Huge Profits From An E-Course
Right now I am in the middle of writing my newest e-course. It will contain five lessons and be delivered by email over a 10 day period. Each lesson will teach one aspect of getting started online, and will include links to some of my programs and home study courses, as well as to affiliate […]
Build Your List And Make Money With Teleseminars
When I began holding regular free teleseminars, everything changed in my business. My prospects knew where I would be every week at the same time. This enabled them to ask me questions and to interact with me in a very personal way. I recommend that you begin holding your own teleseminars as soon as possible. […]
Building Trust With Your List
When you are new to the internet it stands to reason that people do not yet know you or trust you. It is up to you to build that trust with them as quickly as possible. Emailing them at least once a week, providing lots of valuable content, encouraging them to connect with you on […]
Create A Newsletter!
Creating a newsletter or an ezine is an excellent way to make profit from a very small list. I resisted this for a long time, primarily because I thought that it would just take too long to write a weekly ezine or newsletter that would benefit my readers. Instead, I send out a text based […]