Are You Finding Your Prospects? Finding your prospects is crucial to your online business success. Everyone who wants and needs to hear your message is already on another person’s list, so the goal is to find those people and to get in front of them. First of all, let’s define what exactly a prospect is […]
Leverage the Internet to Build Your Business
Is It Time to Leverage the Internet? The calendar may say 2017, but are you doing business as if it were still 1999? What I mean by this is that it may be time to add an online component to what you are doing in your bricks and mortar business. Allow me to explain further […]
Writing an eBook: First Steps to Creating Passive Income
Writing an eBook Just Makes Sense Learning more about writing an eBook can be the first step in creating information products to build passive and residual income in your online business. You may not be aware that eBooks are more popular than ever, especially after books on Kindle have become all the rage. Readers are […]
Creating Your Free Giveaway to Build Your List
Is Your Free Giveaway Complete? Long ago, before I came online in 2006 it was said that people would opt in to your list just to be on your list. You didn’t have to promise them a newsletter or provide them with a short report or other opt in gift or free giveaway. All of […]
Passive Income: Your Silent Sales Army in Action
I like to think of my information products as being my silent sales army. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, these digital soldiers are looking out for me by getting out in front of my prospects and clients to let them know exactly which info products I have available. You can have […]
List Building for Beginners – How to Begin
List Building for Beginners It is said that when it comes to online business, the gold is in your list. This is true in the offline world as well, where a company’s database is one of its most valuable assets. List building for beginners is a topic many people discuss, but doing what actually works […]
Affiliate Marketing and Social
Do Affiliate Marketing and Social Media Fit Well Together? Affiliate marketing and social media might seem to go together like peanut butter and chocolate – but do they really? Let’s explore the myths and the facts around promoting affiliate products on social media sites. ***Scroll to the Bottom to Download Your Affiliate Marketing Cheat Sheet*** […]
The Role of an Affiliate Manager
Today I’d like to discuss the role of an affiliate manager in your online business. First of all, what is the role of an affiliate manager? This is someone who manages all of your products, services, and courses so that your affiliates have exactly what they need when it’s time to launch something new, as […]
Promoting Affiliate Products: What’s Your Plan?
Promoting affiliate products requires a strategy and a plan. Posting a link on Twitter or Facebook is not a plan, and this method is also not very effective. There are many reasons for this, but the primary one is that trying to sell any product to the people who follow you on Twitter or have […]
Refunds in Affiliate Marketing: What Now?
Affiliate marketing refunds are a natural part of this business model. You may be wondering what happens when someone asks for a refund for a product you have recommended and promoted. There are actually two answers to this question. The first one is that the platforms we all use to sell and track our sales […]
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