Podcasting for Entrepreneurs
You may remember the Adventures of Superman from TV when you were a kid. It always started with the narrator saying:
“Look! Up in the sky! It’s a Bird.
It’s a Plane. It’s Superman!”
That’s exactly what I think of each time I try to explain to someone what my podcast really is. It’s a blog post each time, then it turns into a podcast, and finally it’s a product. During a twenty minute call I can create all three, and this is what you can expect when you add this marketing strategy to your business. Producing your own podcast series is the truest form of repurposing your content in a way that will build your credibility, increase your visibility, and lead to profitability.
My most recent example of this is the podcast interview I did with author Shelley Hitz. Shelley and I scheduled a time to talk (she was in Colorado and I’m in California), I recorded the call (we ended up speaking for thirty-two minutes), I created a short blog post ( it’s 347 words), and now I have an information product I can use as a stand alone product, as a part of a bigger product or course, as a Bonus for an affiliate product, or transcribe the call to add to one of my books. Can you see the possibilities with this marketing strategy?
Podcasting gives you credibility in your niche and creates massive visibility for you. My second podcast series is one I do alone, so this gives me an opportunity to answer questions from my community and to show my expertise on my topic of online marketing. I have been know to bundle ten or twelve of these podcast calls and sell them as a product or give them away as a bonus. You can be creative with this and try different strategies and techniques over time to see what works best for you. See both of my podcasts and get your free subscription here.
Way back in 2007 I hosted my first teleseminar, and my business skyrocketed within a few weeks. That’s when I discovered the power of allowing others to hear your voice. It would be several years later before I started podcasting, which is simply an audio recording of your voice broadcast to the world.Podcasting will be the most powerful tool you can add to your marketing arsenal during 2015.
My friend and colleague Rachel Rofe has a podcast series, and I have two of them, and they’re responsible for increasing both of our online businesses dramatically during 2014. She has released her new course on how you can get started with this popular strategy immediately and she calls it Podcast Prodigy. It’s an excellent training I am highly recommending for you to get started with right away.
My Bonus is a detailed, step by step 18 page report on exactly how to get your podcast recorded, produced, and available on iTunes within a day or even less. I believe this Bonus, along with Rachel’s most excellent training (short videos and the PDF transcripts of each of them) will be your key to credibility and success in 2015.
The information I’ve included in my Bonus is something I have never shared before, even with my own high
level mentoring students. It contains screen shots and graphics of exactly how to set up your own podcast, and
this eliminates the need to spend money on having someone else do this for you. The Bonus is available to you immediately in the product download area.
I’d love to hear about your experiences with podcasting to know what other information you need from me.
Connie, this is such a great strategy for creating content. What you are saying is to use podcasts to do more than create podcasts, but use these audio interviews or other audio recordings, as the basis of content in other media – text for a blog post, and repurpose to become a product either written or audio.
And this is a great way to start, by starting with my own blog post. I can go back and narrate blog posts and expand on them, and that is podcast.
I was kind of wondering where to start. Now I know.
Mike Darling
I love your ideas on how to re-purpose your content and how podcasting has really worked for you. I listen to both your podcasts and receive so much value from them.
I took your advice and purchased Podcast Prodigy and look forward to your bonus too. I haven’t started my own Podcast yet but it is on my 2015 goal list.
Thank you for these great suggestions on how to re-purpose your blog posts and podcasts. These are wonderful time saving ideas.
Always Keep Smiling!
Connie…I love the suggestion of using the question and answer format for my podcast! I am continually asked questions about Law of Attraction ranging from what it is to how to use it to attract people, health, jobs, etc. I can definitely see how answering a few questions a week as a podcast and blog post can really help me build my content and gain more exposure. Thank you.