Short reports can help you to connect with your prospects and to position you as an expert in your field. These reports need only be about ten to fifteen pages long, and can usually be easily completed in less than a week. The important thing to remember when choosing your topics and titles is that […]
Membership Sites – Invite Your Prospects To Join Yours For Free
Membership sites have never been more popular than they are at this time in our online history. I have 7 of them myself, and I can tell you it is a wonderful way to increase your income and to build residual income for the future. To make a connection with your prospects, offering them a free […]
Testimonials – Share These With Your List
Testimonials are very powerful. They allow you to share what is working in your business without having to brag about yourself. The kind of testimonials I am writing about here include the ones from clients, customers, and prospects that talk about the benefits someone has received from using one of your products, taking one of […]
Guest Blogging – Increase Your Online Visibility With Guest Posts
Blogging can become tedious and boring if you don’t look for a way to make it more interesting. Guest blogging is the way to do this, and this marketing strategy is quickly taking off as one of the best ways to making blogging work for you in a big way. Internet marketer Nicole Dean has […]
Show Your Vulnerability As You Market To Your List
Are you trying to be perfect in your interactions with your list? No one is perfect, and letting your prospects know this can be an important part of building your relationship with them over time. Show that you are vulnerable, and people will be more likely to relate to you. This must be done in […]
Residual And Passive Income From Short And Rebrandable Reports
Another way to start making money right away on the Internet is to give away brandable and other short reports. These are small reports, anywhere from about fifteen to forty pages long, that contain your affiliate links. When you are deciding what to give away to your list and other prospects, think about the topic […]
Building A Relationship With Your List That Lasts
You will want to build a lasting relationship with the people on your list. In order to make huge profits with a small list, one with fewer than a thousand names, you must remember why they came to you in the first place. This may be the most important thing to keep in mind when […]
Facebook Groups – Start A Group On Facebook To Connect With Your Prospects
Creating your own group on the social networking site Facebook will help you to increase your profits. Start a group on your niche topic, using your best keywords in the title for the group. Add a tagline that states a benefit to those who join, such as some specific information they will receive as a […]
How To Build Trust With Your List By Sharing More About Yourself
What kind of relationship are you building with the people on your list? Do they feel comfortable with you, and trust you enough to ask you anything, knowing you will give them an honest answer every time? Creating this type of know, like, and trust factor does not come easily, but it can be accomplished […]
Market To Your List By Building The Know, Like, And Trust Factor
There are many ways to connect with the people on your list. These are people who have come to you to learn what you are teaching online. You can share secret or other insider information with your list, and this will make them see you in an entirely new light. We all love a secret, […]
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