As quickly as possible, take your online prospects and clients offline. This may sound counterintuitive to what we are attempting to accomplish on the Internet with our businesses, but it makes perfect sense in terms of a solid marketing strategy. You will want to think of ways to connect with your list away from the Internet that will work well for your niche. I have found this to work extremely well for everyone who does it.
When I was just starting out online in 2006, I made very few sales. This was partly due to the fact that I only had one product of my own for sale that year. Whenever I would receive an email from my merchant provider to notify me of the sale, I would immediately call the person to introduce myself and to thank them for purchasing.
People were shocked to hear from me. I would talk to them for five to ten minutes and they would tell me all about why they had purchased my product (it was on how to write articles and blog posts) and what they wanted to achieve on the Internet. I enjoyed doing this and knew right away that I was on to something.
Over time I stopped doing this. I was busy creating new products, teaching online classes, and holding weekly teleseminars. I knew I should return to the offline method of connecting, so I then began sending handwritten postcards to those who made a purchase. This was also received very well by those who received them from me. As I began attending and speaking at more live events around the country I was able to invite the people on my list to meet me in person.
How can you connect with your prospects and clients by taking them offline? Be creative with this and remember that almost no one uses this as a marketing strategy. You can send out a CD they can play in their call, mail them a card or postcard, pick up the phone, or have a monthly call in day. This last method works very well for my group coaching clients.
Because we are entrepreneurs, we have the freedom to come up with our own ideas on how to connect with our people. Your list may respond well to meeting you in person, whereas someone else may prefer to call someone on the telephone. Do what is comfortable for you and watch what happens in your online business.
Connie, such a timely and important reminder for me! I’ve gotten caught up in trying to get up-to-speed on the technical side of the business (oh, will it ever be easier!!??), that i’ve forgotten the people side. Your recent posts have been helpful as I refocus my energy and time. Thank you!
No wonder I think you are special, you do indeed make yourself available through events, and yes you have called me and that makes you a very valuable as a coach and mentor. I see where I should go in my own business, instead of hiding out behind a firewall, I really do need to “reach out and touch someone” like help them.