After working exclusively in online business marketing for seven years now, I have come to the realization that it’s time for a change in one of my basic marketing strategies in regards to my two main blogs. Instead of doing more than ninety percent of the writing, I am now going to actively search for others to write articles that can be posted here.
Why am I doing this? There are a number of reasons, but first I’ll share the thinking that got me to the place I am currently in my business. When I began blogging in 2006, writing each post was a struggle and a challenge. I was not a writer, and that was blatantly obvious from the very beginning. I could write coherently, with no spelling or major grammar errors, but my focus was on the mechanics of writing rather than the creative aspect. The result was posts that were not very interesting and not read regularly by my followers.
Over the years this changed, primarily because I persevered. I wrote something every single day, whether it was a blog post, an article, an email to my list, a short report, or the books I began to publish in 2010. Practice makes perfect, as the old adage goes, and though I was not even striving for perfection (I prefer to think of it as excellence) the writing did improve significantly.
I now have more than a thousand posts on one of my blogs and four hundred on the other. Less than five percent of these are guest posts or rewritten PLR, and they average about four hundred words in length, so you can see that I followed through with my marketing strategy when it came to blogging. I’ve also learned much about SEO (search engine optimization) and keywords over the years, so the impact has been excellent for my business.
Also, I felt a sense of ownership when it came to these two main blogs, and that kept me from actively pursuing others to write for my sites. This is typical of new online entrepreneurs, and is a natural part of the learning and growing process.
Now I am approaching my business very differently and taking it to a whole new level, and including additional writers and points of view is an integral part of my strategy. Having access to those with a different expertise is vital, and there are many people who are extremely knowledgeable in areas where I have only scratched the surface.
What do you think? Would you still read my blogs if you knew I was featuring other authors more regularly? Which topics would you like to see included here?
I like the thinking in your new approach. Over the years, you’ve helped a lot of folks with your blog and sharing. I’m sure your new direction will continue to do this because, even if you aren’t doing the writing, you’re still going to be setting the direction of the blog and the type of information you share.
Keep on rocking it, my friend. I’m sure we’ll all, plus many more, will keep on reading.
Thanks so much for your vote of confidence, Lynn. That’s exactly my goal – to oversee and guide the direction of this site while allowing others to shine with their writing and points of view in the areas of entrepreneurship and online business marketing.