Video marketing has taken off like a rocket in the past two years. Your prospects can see and hear your message, making it even more likely that they will remember you. It has never been easier to make your own videos and upload them to a web site for easy viewing by others. This is […]
Create Your Own Group On Facebook To Attract New Clients And Prospects
I love Facebook, because there are things you can do there that will help you to make money very quickly. One of these things is the feature that allows you to create your own group, based on a specific niche topic. I have several Facebook groups, based on the different niches I am working in […]
Make Profit With Your List By Creating A Product Quickly
This may sound difficult, but it is actually very easy to create a product. Think about what the people on your list really want from you. My people usually want me to explain some aspect of technology to them. I am able to create products by simply recording a video of me explaining how to […]
Creating Autoresponder Messages That Will Make Your List Take Action
An autoresponder is a message that is set up in advance, with the intention of having it delivered at some point in the future. This was very confusing to me when I first got started, so I made a study of it to learn how to set it up correctly. When someone opts in to your […]
Profiting From Your Free Giveaway
When people find your blog or optin page, they will leave their name and email address in exchange for your free giveaway. Usually this is in a form of a short report on your topic. This report can be several pages in length or longer if you choose. The most important thing is to include […]
Always Think About Growing Your List
Even though you can be extremely profitable with a tiny list, growing your list should be a goal that you think about regularly. In fact, everything you do must work towards list building. This is all new to most of us, so it takes some time to get used to. When I started out I […]
Create A Teleseminar Workshop To Share What You Know
You can plan a teleseminar where you can teach others what you are learning. I first did this in 2006, when I taught people what I knew about blogging and article marketing. Even though I wasn’t an expert in either area, I had learned enough to share my knowledge with others who were just getting […]
Why The First Email You Send To Your List Is The Most Important One
When someone signs up to be on your list by leaving their name and email address, they are expecting to receive the report or recording that you have promised them. It is up to you to deliver fully on that promise to begin establishing trust between the two of you. Many people are cautious before […]
Build Rapport With Your List By Responding To Emails
Yes, you read that correctly. I actually respond to everyone who emails me. I started doing this back in 2006 when my list was less than fifty people, and I continue to do it now that my list is over 2,000. I believe this builds rapport between you and the people who have graciously agreed […]
Include Your Twitter Followers In Whatever You Do Online
Even though your followers on Twitter are not are your list, many of them are your prospects. Include them in what you are doing online by tweeting about it regularly. Be sure to let them know where they can sign up for your upcoming teleseminars, newsletter, internet radio show, or latest e-course. This allows you […]