The power of your voice is great. When people hear you speaking about your topic they are able to tell right away if they want to do business with you. Give your prospects as many opportunities as possible to hear you speak. One way to do this is to have others interview you.
When I was just starting online there was no one who was interested in interviewing me. I asked people who knew me personally if they would ask me some questions during a teleseminar, and soon I was being asked by people all over the world if they could interview me. Now I have to pick and choose my interviews because there are so many.
Each interview is an opportunity for me to share my story and my knowledge with people. Those on my list are able to know even more about me to find out how I can help them to achieve their goals.
I encourage you to start doing as many interviews as possible and allow your list to hear them, either live or as a replay.
I love your ideas on this blog, Connie.
Do you feel that interviews would work as well the other way around? That is, for us to interview other people, especially if it was very conversational and interactive dialogue?
If you aren’t doing teleseminars at this point in time, would you focus more on interviewing others or do you have some other ideas on how to get interviewed?
I appreciate your generosity of spirit and providing content.
You must start doing regular teleseminars. Start with 15 minutes of talking about what you do. Have a friend ask you questions. Until you have some recordings of you sharing what you know, it will be difficult to find people to interview you. My suggestion: jump in and do it. Sign up at and let me know when you have your first teleseminar. I will share the details with my 18K+ Twitter followers and you will be discovered!
Connie Ragen Green
Yes, I encourage you to interview others. Alex Mandossian built quite a reputation for himself by interviewing people from all walks of life. People have amazing stories to share; find the people whose stories you want to share and interview them.
Connie Ragen Green
Much thanks for the teleseminarstrategies tip and offer to tweet it out to your peeps. I will work on that and get some things together in order to get back to you.