The power of your voice is great. When people hear you speaking about your topic they are able to tell right away if they want to do business with you. Give your prospects as many opportunities as possible to hear you speak. One way to do this is to have others interview you. When I was […]
Public Speaking To Build Your List
Building your list is the most important thing you can do to increase your online income. Even though I teach you how to maximize your profit from your current list, no matter how small, you must always remember that your ultimate goal is to keep growing your list of subscribers. Public speaking is one way to […]
Share ‘Insider’ or ‘Secret’ Info With Your List
Everybody loves a secret. This goes back to our childhood, when knowing a secret made us feel more grown up. Why not share secrets with the people already on your list? This can be a very effective way to build a relationship with your prospects so that you can connect with them on a deeper […]
Share Your Blog Posts With Your List
We always think that our prospects are reading every article, tweet, and blog post we make, but this is not necessarily the case. Many times people only read a small portion of what you are publishing online. You can change this by including a link to one of your posts in an email to your […]
Allow Your Prospects To ‘Ask You Anything’
More than anything else, your prospects want to be able to connect with you directly. The best way to do this is to hold regular teleseminars where they can ask you anything. I even own the domain,, so that my calls are easy for people to find. I started doing this in 2007. On […]
Rebrand A Report To Give To Your List
I first discovered rebrandable reports about a year and a half ago. These reports are written by other marketers who have a topic they want to share and affiliate programs you can join. This is an example of a rebranded report. As you can see, it is filled with valuable content that will help the […]
Know Who Your Audience Is To Make More Money
When people first signed up for your list, they were looking for specific information or an answer to their problem. As new marketers you tend to forget why someone originally signed up on your list, or you may change your message over the first few months. Be as specific as possible when you
Make Huge Profits By Teaching Someone Else’s Content
When you are just starting out, you usually do not have any products or courses of your own. Or, if you have created your first product, it may not be something that will be a huge money maker right away. So how do you get your name out there and start making money
Survey Your List To Meet Their Needs
People want you to help them achieve their goals. You want to help them. But how do you know what they want so you can help? Ask them! A survey is an excellent way to find out what your list wants from you. I like to use surveys to connect with my list. You can […]
Let Others Do The Talking Through The Use Of Testimonials
According to marketer Dan Kennedy, what others say about you is about one thousand times more believable than what you say about yourself. I have found this to be true, especially on the internet where people may live halfway around the world from you. Whenever someone emails you with a compliment about what you are […]