More than anything else, your prospects want to be able to connect with you directly. This amounts to relationship marketing, one of the most powerful strategies around when it comes to growing your business and increasing your income. Let’s begin with the “Ask Me Anything” strategies so you may get a feel for how to get started with this for your own business. Their are several ways to do this successfully and I’ll share some of the best ones with you here.
I’ve found that the very best way to do this is to hold regular teleseminars where your prospects, clients, and customers may ask you anything. I even own the domain,, so that my calls are easy for people to find. It’s similar to hosting a podcast, but simpler and more effective for a variety of reasons.
I started doing this in 2007. On one of my early calls someone asked me if I had a mentor program. My mentor program was born on that day. Before that I had planned on starting my own mentoring program eventually, but when someone asked me about it on a live call, there just wasn’t any reason to wait any longer.
Schedule regular teleseminars, weekly or biweekly, to answer questions and to make yourself available to your prospects. Your business will grow and the people on your list will be more likely to do business with you, now and in the future.
One additional tip I’ll share with you here is to create a one or two page handout your listeners may download. I like to create a separate page on one of my websites for this. That way, you can direct listeners, both in real time and for those who access the replays to this page and simply tell them to look for a specific date or the number you have assigned to the call so they may quickly and easily download what you’re prepared for them.
Remember, most of us are extremely busy with life and it’s a big deal for us to spend time listening to an audio event or recording. Throw in a free download and you’ve increased your chances of creating raving fans. This also encourages your followers to take full responsibility for their learning and progress.
Speaking of raving fans, another of my “Ask Me Anything” strategies is to ask people who open and read your email messages to hit reply, or to use a specific email address to reach out, connect, and yes, ask you anything. My experience over more than sixteen years taught me that people do indeed have questions, comments, concerns, and ideas they appreciate being able to share with us. This is how you go from just being another email in their inbox to becoming a trusted advisor and thought leader over time.
Think about offering a special bonus for your own products and courses, and especially for those you are recommending as an affiliate. This makes it even more appealing to those you are marketing to regularly, and requires them to reach out to you in order to retrieve your bonus. Some of the people who’ve had this experience with me have gone on to be friends, colleagues, joint venture partners, and mentees. It’s a triple WIN and those are the best kind, in my opinion.
So, you’re now thinking about hosting your own teleseminars, asking readers and followers to ask you anything via email, and offering a special bonus to those who buy from you and through your affiliate links. What’s next? I hear you asking! I’m so glad you’d like to know…
Use relationship marketing and the “Ask Me Anything” strategies to connect with people in your community. This type of interaction becomes crucial to achieving the goals you’ve set out for yourself. This is the “Become a Local Celebrity” concept that I continue to use in both of the cities I call home – Santa Clarita and Santa Barbara, California. Yes, I even created an online course to teach you how to do this effectively.
My motto for almost two decades now has become “If it isn’t fun, I don’t do it!” and you may wish to embrace this idea as well. Have fun with your marketing and look for ways to be creative and innovative to give what you do more of your personal touch. And of course, please reach out to me at any time with your comments, questions, or for any reason at all.
I’m author, publisher, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you. If you have an interest in finding the right JV (Joint Venture) partners to help you skyrocket your way to success, please check out my training at JVs Made Simple so you may get started right away.
Thank you for this article, Connie. I love this idea for offering your services to grow your business with relationship marketing.
With the popularity of Zoom these days, I think I would hold an AMA session in a Zoom Room and record it. The transcribe feature in zoom would be cool for this, too. That could be a handout or option for other learning style learners. With Zoom, you could have video, audio, and text.
Thanks, Connie!
I love your ideas here, Melissa. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment. Relationship marketing makes all the difference, I honestly believe.
~ Connie Ragen Green
I love your additional tips and years of experience with ‘ask me anything’ sessions, as I too have found them to be great for building relationships with my audience and community. I’ve done them as ‘open office hours’ via Zoom and as regular ‘ask me anything’ or ‘member’s choice’ live chats in my Facebook Group. We always learn from each other, from what is on the minds of our community, and what they need more from us.
Thank you very much for stopping by, Jennifer. You are a caring and sharing thought leader and a “thinking” person in a world that many times does not value such interaction.
~ Connie Ragen Green