When we work exclusively online, there is not much opportunity to connect with our prospects and clients in the same way as we would if we were meeting with them regularly in person. That is why it is so important to do whatever we can to make that connection with the people we want to do business with.
Have you ever known someone who got contact lenses after years of wearing thick glasses? Or how about someone who wore braces for a few years and suddenly had them removed? Remember how different they looked for the first few times you saw them? It is the same thing on the Internet; people get used to only receiving our emails and reading our blogs. As soon as you meet them in person, your relationship completely changes.
The best way I have found to make this connection on a regular basis is by holding teleseminars and inviting my prospects and clients to attend. By hearing my voice they are able to see me in a completely different light. It works the same way in reverse; when I hear them I feel like I know them more intimately.
Teleseminars are the next best thing to meeting people in person. It rounds us out and gives us a multi-dimensional quality that is just not possible through emails and blogs. Video and webinars also work well for this, but holding regular calls is the fastest and easiest way to connect with our audience. Take a closer look at your online business. You may just find that this is the perfect solution to building your business and increasing your bottom line.
It is great how you touch on the subject of connecting with people and not really knowing each other. That is certainly a hurdle to cross online and you have given us a great idea here.
Emails and blog posts are not a true way of getting to know someone. Doing calls where you allow people to hear you and know you is a perfect solution to tie you over until the opportunity to meet in person may arise. I also like that you made this a two way street and look at it as a way to know more about our community as well. Your thoughts and ideas always keep me on my toes!! Thank you Connie!!