I remember meeting one of my prospects at a live event in 2007. He was a man who had been on my list for almost a year and who seemed interested in what I was doing online. We spoke for a short time and I mentioned something I had blogged about recently. He looked puzzled when I mentioned my blog. It turned out he did not even know I had a blog!
From that point forward I changed how I was presenting my content online. I made sure that my list knew about the other writing I was doing, as well as my teleseminars, short reports, and other content.
Your prospects will want to consume your information in various formats as well, so make sure to offer your content as written, audio, and video on a regular basis. Repurposing your content helps you to reach a wider audience of diverse learners who would not otherwise have found you.
You mentioned private mentoring. I still have not gotten a landing page together. Would this approach (your mentoring) help? Oh, by the way, I had over 500 hits on my blog yesterday so, apparently my content is good. But, I am having trouble monetizing it.
Dan Watson