I attend many events each year, and I’d love to meet you in person. I find that connecting with people at live events is the very best way to get to know them, and I’m sure you would agree.
If you want to meet Connie Ragen Green during 2011, here are some of the places I will be:
UnSeminar 9 – This is an event hosted by Pat O’Bryan, creator of the ‘Portable Empire’ coaching program. This is the third time I have spoken at this amazing event, and there will be another one announced in the near future.
August 18-22 – NAMS (The Niche Affiliate Marketing System) This event is in Atlanta, and I’d love to meet you there. Go here to sign up, and use the code 100special to save $100 off the cost of the event.
November 11-13 – the Armand Live event – this will be in San Francisco this time, and you can sign up through my link here.
Jim Boat Caribbean Cruise – December 1-8 – I’ll be speaking on the topic of ‘Targeted Traffic to Your Sites Through Article Marketing and Content Syndication’. Contact me for more information on attending.
I will be adding two more events to this list, but I have not confirmed them yet. I always say that I would not have the business I have today if I had not started attending live events in 2008. What about you? Have you started attending conferences and workshops to build your online business?
Live events are so important – no matter what industry or niche you’re in. I’ve attended live events many times in my “former” life, but only a couple since I started Internet Marketing.
I’m attending NAMS in Atlanta and looking so forward to it. Not just the training, but the networking with others and the ideas that I can get from there.
And, the most important thing that I’ll get out of the week-end? Meeting you in person!
Just like Judy, I’ve attended many live events in my former life and spoken at a number of them. But since coming online I’ve not been able to.
However, me and my hubby/biz partner jumped at the chance to meet up and network with other people we’d met online.
It certainly does allow you to get to know people so much better and I’m glad to report we’ve kept in touch and even organised some joint ventures together.
Heather x
This is an excellent idea for a post, I just love it Connie! Meeting people in person that we know online is a huge thrill and really helps elevate your relationship to the next level! It may take you away from home and work and cost some money up front, but going to events with a plan to both make some high quality connections (that pay off in ways that you can’t even measure!) as well as to make offers that will help you recoop your investment is a win-win-win opportunity. Just the experience of putting yourself out there is vital to your success. We can become real complacent working from home and we need to keep out face to face skills alive and well!
I have the dates for JimBoat December 3-10, I’ll have to double check now, maybe the dates have changed?
See you in Atlanta.. and soon too!! Yippee!!
Hi Connie,
I was at the 6-in-6 event you were at here in Vegas earlier this year but the way things worked out, didn’t get a chance to meet you. Hope to remedy that next time you’re in Vegas for an event! Wil Mattos sure had a lot of good things to say about you!