You can write down some main points about your topic and record a 30 minute audio to have a product to sell or give away to your prospects. This may sound like it would not be a good idea because not enough time and thought went into it. Actually, it is just the opposite. If you put too much time and thought into creating your product, it may never get finished.
Do this quickly, within one day, and set it up online as a product. Going through this process will teach you exactly what you need to know in order to create your second product. This is the one where you will take more time to get it just the way you want it.
The idea is to get into action as quickly as possible. Once you do this you will understand completely what I mean. Let me know when you have your first information product ready by leaving a comment here. We all have to start somewhere, and this is the best way to jump in and test the water.
Very timely post Connie – you must be reading my mind! I was working on the outline for my first audio product this afternoon – and I took a break and saw this posting!
I’ve been working on a detailed outline for my audio recording for almost two weeks. Instead of continuing to “tweak” and “reorganize” my outline, I’m going to take action and record the content. I like your idea of getting the first version out there, getting feedback, then creating a second product that’s more polished as a result of the feedback.
Thanks for writing this blog post “just for me” 🙂
Hi Connie, I definitely will do this, even though I have quite a few products right now. They aren’t selling like I’d like them to, but I think it could just be my niche, which is unfamiliar to most people (music and healing).
Anyway, I love to try new things and talking is very easy for me so recording 30 minutes will be a cinch! I’ll let you know!