Are you excited at the news you are sharing with your list? You must exaggerate what you say and write when you are working online, because the majority of your prospects will never meet you in person. You will want to tell everyone who you are and what you have to offer. This is a form of storytelling that works well on the Internet.
Don’t be afraid to brag about what you are doing and how it will benefit others. You can easily create a ‘buzz’ online by blogging, sending press releases, and sharing information about what you are doing on Facebook and Twitter. Build excitement with everything you, no matter how small it may seem to you at the time. I call this the ‘Kindergarten Effect’ because you will be just as excited in sharing your business news as a Kindergartner is when they have show and tell.
I first did this with an email I sent several years ago. I carried on about an experience I had had that made a point about my online business. I posted to my blog about what had happened as well. With 48 hours people were emailing me and leaving comments on my blog, bringing lots of excitement to the situation. Don’t be afraid to be dramatic or controversial; this just adds to the buzz that will be created.
Thank you, Connie.
So many of us are “shy” or don’t want our “colors to show.” This is a good reminder that it’s okay to brag about what we do so we can help more people. I talk to others who are tentative about “talking themselves up.” Thank you for showing how & giving permission.