In observance of Independence Day I decided to interview myself for this week’s podcast. I’m Connie Ragen Green, and I’ve been online since the end of 2005. My story begins like that of many other online marketers; I wanted to change my life in a big way and realized that I could do that my becoming an entrepreneur. By 2006 I had resigned as a classroom teacher and had given away my best real estate clients in favor of pursuing my dream on a full time basis.
In the picture of me on the left, I’m at the beach in Santa Barbara working from my iPad. This has become a regular part of what I do, and there are many people there who will stop to talk and ask me about their own online endeavors as they make their way down the beach. Santa Barbara is a city I have spent time in since the 1970s. I love the artistic and creative nature of the people, and for the past several years it is now my second home. I am inspired by the ocean and the gentle breezes and have done some of my best writing right here at the beach.
In this podcast I share how I have been able to change my life, and how you can do the exact same thing if you are willing to learn as much as you can and choose a niche where you will become a problem solver for those you come to you for trusted advice. Yes, this is hard work, but it’s the hardest work you will ever love because of the impact you can have on other people’s lives.
The book I refer to in this call is called ‘What Color Is My Parachute‘ by Richard Bolles and continues to be a bestseller as it helps people to find their life’s passion in their work. I highly recommend it if you or someone you know is searching for a new and meaningful life direction.
If you haven’t already, please click on the link in the right-hand sidebar to subscribe to my weekly podcast series.
I liked your story. All the way from your classroom with the stuffed animals, dolls to your life with charity. I got your emails but have been busy trying to just keep up. I hope I can get to where you are.
I am so thankful that Ray Aaron gave me the opportunity to meet you. I liked the idea that I met someone finally in internet marketing that is here locally, as I am also in California. I just turned 68 and am a senior but am trying to realize my dream to have a business on the internet.
I will be going back to your earlier emails and posts to learn
Kaz Takaki
ps July 4th a special day cause it was birthday of my late mother and grandmother.
Hello Connie,
Thank you very much for this podcast. I would find it very difficult to interview myself. You are a great inspiration to me. As a small business owner with a newly launched business, I hang on to your words. Your emails have a huge impact on me and are inspirational. I am currently trying to follow your advice and ‘keep the momentum’, trying to generate a lot of content always thinking of ‘repurpose’ potential.
Looking forward to learning a lot from you in the future, and achieving at least a percentage of your success.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I see that you are based in India. Isn’t it wonderful that we can connect with like-minded people from around the world as we pursue a life as an online entrepreneur?
Best of success in all of your endeavors. I hope you are taking the time to ask your questions at
Wow, Connie, what powerful witnessing! And what a great idea to share in this way, on the day you made this. Makes me wish I had acted on an impulse I had to engage in internet marketing when i first heard of it in 2007. Now, the field seems so overcrowded and competitive. But I did love hearing your story.