I can remember the little girl next door asking my mother how she knew so many stories. That ‘little girl’ is now in her forties, and I’m sure she has stories of her own that she has shared with her family in the years since that time. We all grew up hearing stories, and you […]
Storytelling To Connect With Your Audience
When I was teaching 5th and 6th graders in the inner city of Los Angeles, many of my students had full time responsibilities at home. These included cooking, housework, and caring for younger siblings. While I am a firm believer in children helping out around the house, this went far beyond what is usually expected […]
Storytelling To Build Your Business – Relationship Marketing Includes Stories
Storytelling is an important part of relationship marketing. I used to believe that my stories would not be of interest to anyone, and that they might even detract from my credibility as an online entrepreneur. It turns out that stories are something we can all relate to. Now people ask me to tell some of […]
Storytelling To Build A Relationship With Your List
Storytelling to Build a Relationship with Your List and Your Community Building a relationship with your list can be a simple process if done from the very beginning. Storytelling is a natural and powerful way to connect with your target audience on a much deeper level than what most marketers are doing. You can learn […]
Create A Buzz When Marketing To Your List!
Are you excited at the news you are sharing with your list? You must exaggerate what you say and write when you are working online, because the majority of your prospects will never meet you in person. You will want to tell everyone who you are and what you have to offer. This is a […]
Storytelling To Connect With Your List
When I was just starting out online my autoresponder messages were very dry and businesslike. I never wrote about anything that wasn’t precisely on target with what I was writing to them about. Once I became more comfortable in my business I loosened up quite a bit. I now write about all kinds of things that happen to […]