This site may be devoted to teaching you how to make huge profits from your small list, but never forget that building your list is the most important part of your online business. Every day you must engage in at least one activity that will help you to add names to your list. You will […]
Build A Community With Your List – Offer A Joint Venture Partnership
Alex Mandossian was the first person to teach the concept of student, affiliate, partner. What he means by this is that you are first connected with people online when they are students of what you are sharing online. They can then become affiliates and promote what you are doing, and finally they may put themselves […]
Everyone Loves A Contest – Especially Your List
I can remember the first internet contest I was ever involved with. It was the winter of 2008, nearly two years ago now, and Alex Mandossian was holding a contest for his affiliates. I was already a raving fan, so the idea of letting my list know about his programs was a simple decision for […]
List Marketing On The Lighter Side
When we are first starting out online, the main concern is to be serious and to treat our business as though it were a corporation. After some point I think everyone realizes that part of the reason we became entrepreneurs in the first place was to make our own rules and to have some fun […]
List Marketing – Make A Schedule For Your Autoresponders And Broadcasts
When you are marketing to your list you will want to make a schedule for what types of messages you want to send. In the beginning I recommend setting up three messages at a time. One should be a helpful tip or other information on your niche topic. The next one can be a link […]
Let Your List Know You Care About Them
All of us are on someone’s list. Every time you give your name and email address in exchange for a free report or other gift, you are added to that person’s list. Yet no one likes to be thought of as just another number. We all want to think that the person is truly interested […]
Write An E-Course For Your List!
Even if you have already done this in the past, write another e-course for your list. This is a great way to generate additonal income over time. Choose a topic your list wants to know more about and create an e-course with five lessons. Each lesson should only be about four paragraphs long, so it will […]
Your List Cannot Read Your Mind
It will be a huge mistake if you assume that the people who join your list can read your mind. In fact, they may not be reading your blog or your articles either. It is up to you to let them know what you are up to online. The way I like to do this […]
Relate A Current Event To Your Niche Topic
This may not be the easiest thing to do, but look for current events that you can connect to your niche. For example, when the Amazon Kindle made some changes, I wrote to my list and told them about it. Then I reminded them of the webinar training I had done to show how to […]
Publish Articles Written By Your List
Connecting with the people on your list in order to build trust and rapport should always be a priority. One way I have done this is to ask them for articles they have written to use for some of my blogs. I started several blogs back in 2005 and 2006. They were on a variety […]
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