This is a guest post from Susanne Myers. Her site is
Article marketing is a great way to get targeted traffic to your website and establish yourself as an expert. And if you do things right, you can resuse these articles in a few different ways, getting even more traffic.
Strategic Planning Of Your Articles
To get the most leverage out of each article, it pays to spend a little bit of time planning things. I like to write my articles in batches of 4 to 10 related ones. Not only does it make it easier to write them, you can also later repackage them into a short report. I also like to think about what I want to promote and link to in my author resource box. Ideally the article will be something my readers will need to know before they need the information I’m linking to in my author bio.
Let me give you an example. Let’s say I want to promote the following blog post that’s a review of a Nicole Dean’s Blog Tour Guide. Some of my article topics may be:
- What is Guest Blogging
- How To Get Started With Guest Blogging
- How To Write A Great Guest Blog Post
- How To Get Your Guest Blog Posts Published
Notice how I can easily mention my blog post at the end of each article and how this set of articles could be combined into a short report down the road.
Craft Your Resource Box – Test and Adjust
Speaking of resource boxes, with proper planning as outlined above, the resource box will almost write itself. Let’s go back to the examples above. For any of those articles, I could include something like this at the end:
And now I would like to invite you to read more about guest blogging and how to go about making the most of every single post published. The “secret ingredients” are revealed in small info product that’s responsible for much of my own online success. Start by reading my review of “Nicole Dean’s Blog Tour Guide”.
Susanne Myers –
I want you to notice two things… the first is a smooth transition from the content of the article into the author resource box. The second thing is that I’m including both my name and a link back to my main blog at the end of the article. This will help with name recognition and establishing me as an expert in affiliate marketing. Feel free to copy this simple template and adjust for your own article marketing.
Last but not least, remember that this is just a starting point. Try a resource box like the one outlined above along with one or two ideas of your own. Keep some very short and to the point, then try some longer resource boxes. Come back after a few weeks and see which ones perform best. You can do this by logging into the article directory member area and look for stats. does a great job of providing you with all sorts of useful data.
Continue to try different types of resource boxes and stick with the ones that perform best. Rinse and repeat.
Submitting Your Articles And Follow Up
Once your article is written and your resource box crafted, it’s time to start submitting it to article directories. At the very least I recommend you submit to From there, the sky is the limit. You can either rotate through various other big directories including,,, and or you can use an article distribution service like or
If you submit the same article to more than one article directory, I recommend you change the title and rewrite the introductory paragraph before submitting it.
Last but not least, there are two things you should do after your article is published. The first is to promote both the individual article (by tweeting about it and posting it on Facebook for example) as well as your Author page. The second is to keep an eye out for anyone that republishes your article. An easy way to do this is to set up a Google Alert that includes both your name and the exact title of your article in quotes. Whenever a quality site republishes your article, approach them with other unique articles for their site.
Repurpose Each Article Multiple Times
So far you’ve been doing a lot of work. You did research, a lot of writing and some promoting of your articles. You may as well get as much out of each word you write as possible. An easy way to do this is to repurpose your articles as often as possible. Here are some quick ideas to get you thinking about this.
- Compile several articles into a short report, submit it to document sharing sites like and share it with your readers. Invite others to share the report as well.
- Turn the content of your article into a short audio or podcast by using services like Blog Talk Radio and Cinch.
- Take the main bullet points from your article and create a power point presentation. Submit it to sites like
- Take that same presentation along with some screen capture software and record a video. Submit it to Youtube and other video sharing sites.
- Reuse your articles in various short reports, membership sites, ebooks and other paid products.
This is by no means an all inclusive list, but should be enough to give you some ideas and get you thinking about other ways to repurpose your content.
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Find out more about guest blogging and how this increases traffic and content for everyone involved by going to to learn more.
Guest Blogger with signature links, great suggestion. That will drive free traffic?