Welcome to the 21 Day Productivity Challenge for building your online business. I believe that it takes at least 21 days to acquire new habits, so that’s why I chose 21 as the number of days for this challenge. Online marketing success takes hard work and dedication. If you would like to join this challenge, simply leave a comment here stating your intention to complete the work. Every day, for the next 21 days, visit this post again and find out what that day’s challenge is.
I will not be sending daily reminders. Becoming an entrepreneur requires that you take the initiative to do what is necessary to achieve your goals. To your success!
Day 1 – Write down your USP (unique selling proposition) in 50 words or less, and share it out loud with at least 10 people. This is mine: I teach new entrepreneurs how to build a profitable online business, both by creating their own digital information products and by promoting affiliate products to their target market. This allows them to work from home, or from wherever they have an Internet connection.
Share your own USP as a comment when you tell me that you intend to complete this challenge.
Day 2 – Set up a new WordPress site with an optin box and a thank you page. Write one post, and complete your ‘About’ page. This site will be used for lead generation and list building. If you need something to sell on this site, put together a PLR product from Nicole Dean’s site. This site will soon become another income stream for you. This should all be set up during the next 7 days.
“How am I going to live my life today, in order to create the tomorrow I’m committed to?” ~Tony Robbins
Day 3 – Create a short report to use for your free giveaway on your new site. I have found that a written report, about 7 to 15 pages long, represents me best in this case, rather than using an audio recording or a video. You may choose to use PLR (private label rights) for this to get it done quickly. Take a look at my favorite site for PLR. After you have put together your report, convert it to PDF and then use an FTP program to upload it to your site. You may also upload it to the media library on your blog. Don’t let the technology stand in your way. Take it as a challenge and know that you can do anything you set your mind to do. If I can do this, YOU can do this!
Day 4 – Write 5 autoresponder messages to go out to the people who opt in to your list. Remember that these early messages are meant to create trust between you and your prospect. Get to the point, deliver on your promise to give them more information on your topic, and be sure to ask them to click in each message. Take a look at my Autoreponder Ecourse if you need help with this.
Once you have written your email messages and loaded them into your autoresponder, subscribe to your own list. That way you will always be at least one day ahead of your subscribers. You want to experience what it’s like to receive emails from yourself. You will be looking for various things, including the tone of your message, making sure your links are clickable, and overall appearance. Years from now these messages will still be welcoming new prospects, so make sure you are sending the message you intended to send.
“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” ~Mark Twain
Day 5 – Write two articles, 400 to 500 words long. Post one to your blog now, and set one to publish two days later by using WordPress’s advanced post feature. Submit the two articles to IdeaMarketers. If this site is new for you, sign up for a free account. It’s important to use several article directories to publish your articles. Include a link back to your new site in the resource box (author’s bio box) for both articles.
By now you should feel more productive than ever, and excited at the thought of success.
Day 6 – In order to make money in any business, you must make a sale. We will discuss creating your own product later on, but the best way to get started right now is to promote an affiliate product. I only promote and recommend what I have purchased and benefited from personally, but that is your decision. Think about what you have purchased and loved, and then join that person’s affiliate program.
I also use Clickbank regularly for this. Sign up there so that you can get paid, then go over to Clickbank’s Pro Search Engine and sign up for a free trial. I have a lifetime membership at this site because I use it every week to find new products to recommend to my market. Choose 2 or 3 products to recommend, get your affiliate link, test your link to make sure it goes where you want it to go, and then write a blog post about it. This post should be at least 400 words in length. Use anchor text to link it to your post.
At this point, you may be stuck or overwhelmed with the technology. If so, take a look at my Perpetual Motion Motion Machine course. It covers everything I am sharing here, and much more.
Day 7 – Make a list of the people who are working actively in your niche. Contact 5 to 10 of them and ask if you may interview them. The relationships you build in this way will be priceless. Be prepared to give them a link to your blog so they can get a better idea of who you are and what you have to offer.
When Armand Morin asked me to do this in 2008, I was not sure who to add to my list. Once I started writing down the names of people to contact, I realized that these would be the people I could do Joint Ventures with in the future. Several people agreed to let me interview them within the first 30 days, and more agreed to it later on. Remember that these must be people who are doing something very similar or complimentary to what you want to do in your business.
Day 8 – Host your own teleseminar. If I would have to name the single activity that built my business, it would be teleseminars. During an 18 month period I hosted a free call every week. I continue to host free calls at least once a month even though my business has grown dramatically. You can create products from these calls, interview others in your niche, and get used to the idea of speaking publicly on your topic.
This is the area that most new people seem to discount. I hear so many excuses as to why they are not doing their own calls regularly. Yes, it’s uncomfortable at first, but after a few weeks you will get used to it and even enjoy it. During my first couple of months I had no one on my calls, but with the social media now available you will have an audience of people who are likely to join you.
Don’t make the mistake of using a free service for this valuable part of your business. I’ve been using Instant Teleseminar since they began in 2007, and their ‘fill in the blanks’ templates have become the standard in every niche you can think of. Send me a tweet when you get ready for your first, or next, teleseminar and I will share it with my followers.
Day 9 – Now it’s time to promote your teleseminar. Create an event at Facebook and at LinkedIn. This is a simple step by step process that allows you to invite your friends and connections on these sites to your call. I recommend inviting them 7 to 10 days before your teleseminar to give enough time for planning and promotion. This also lets you know who may be a good prospect for you from this group of people.
If you aren’t sure exactly how to set up these events, Google for the information. Entrepreneurs are resourceful and get things accomplished!
Extra Credit – If you are staying on task with this challenge, you may want to take the next step. This involves setting up a secondary niche for another stream of online income. I always start with PLR, and Nicole Dean has an excellent selection of topics on her site. Choose a niche and spend a few dollars on the PLR to get you started.
Day 10 – Hooray! You are almost at the halfway point for the 21 Day Productivity Challenge. You can do it – I believe in you!
Today I want you to start a discussion thread on Facebook and ask a question about your niche. Let me know when you do this by leaving a comment here and I will come over to Facebook and comment on your page. This will let my friends know who you are and what you have to offer. This is how you find out what people want and how they really feel. Remember, you will make money by serving others and addressing their needs.
Day 11 – Now it’s time to join some forums. This is an excellent way to connect with people who may be interested in what you have to offer, and those who have information that will help you to achieve your goals. You may also meet people there who would make good JV (joint venture) partners for you, now or in the future.
Go to Google and type in your niche and the word ‘forum’ – such as real estate forum or tennis forum. I am a member of several free forums and two paid ones right now. One thing you will want to do is to add your website URL to your signature line. This will bring you business over time, without you having to do anything else. Leave a comment here to tell me which forum you have joined.
Day 12 – Create a short video and upload it to YouTube. Use OneTrueMedia.com or Animoto.com to get started. Videos are easier than ever before, it’s fun to create them, and people will be able to find you easily by the keywords you use. Leave a comment here to give us the link to the video you create. Take a look at my YouTube channel to get an idea of how I am starting to incorporate videos into my online marketing strategy.
Day 13 – Think of this as a ‘social media’ day. Change your profile on Twitter to reflect the new site you set up during the first few days of this challenge. Send a tweet announcing your new site, and ask people to take a look. Do the same thing on LinkedIn. Then go over to Facebook, make sure you and I are friends, and tell me about your new site on my wall. Mention the 21 Day Productivity Challenge so I know who you are and what you are referring to.
Day 14 – Now it’s time to send a press release to tell the world what you are doing. Google for ‘free press release services’ to find a site where you can write one for your business. Then come back here and give us the link to your press release to give yourself some additional exposure.
Day 15 – Find a local networking meeting you can attend during the next week. The local Chamber of Commerce offers events for non-members, Rotary and Kiwanis groups are very good, and Meetup groups are also available. I attend several of these a month, and this has made a huge difference in how I approach my own business. Google for the information you need on when and where a group will next be meeting, and let me know which group you plan on connecting with. This will build your self-confidence and open doors for you in your city.
‘If you are willing to do for a year what others won’t, you’ll live the rest of your life the way others can’t.’ ~Unknown
This has now become my reality. You can do the same thing if you are willing to lay the foundation during your first year working on the Internet.
Day 16 – Create a 7 part e-course to give to your list and to use as a new optin bribe on the next optin page you create. Simply announce to your list that you have written some training for them, and then give them the opportunity to receive it each day over the next 7 days, to download it all at once, or to opt in to receive it later on. Each day you will give them some details of what you are teaching. Include links to your own products or to affiliate products so that your prospects will understand from the very beginning that there is always something for sale. These e-courses continue to earn me money, even though I set up some of them more than three years ago!
Day 17 – Decide on a product you can create quickly, and begin your product outline to plan out exactly what you will include. I recommend that you create a digital product for easy creation and delivery. I tend to write most of my products, and then add audio and video (webinars) to include as much information and value as possible.
Each product you create gets its own domain name and mini-site. These can be set up easily using the Marketer’s CMS theme or Optimize Press theme. Let us know what you will create and where it can be found.
Day 18 – We’re down to the wire now, so keep up your pace and enthusiasm to make the most of these last few days. Schedule a teleseminar on your topic and promote it by creating an event on Facebook. be sure to invite me so I can help you to promote it as well. Schedule it for 7 to 10 days from now to give yourself time for the marketing. You should now be hosting a free call once a week, and promoting an affiliate product during your call. I asked you to do this on Day 8 of this challenge, so this should be at least your second teleseminar. If you need a 21 day trial for $1 of the teleseminar service I have been using since 2007, go to Instant Teleseminar (my affiliate link).
So far, not one person has met this challenge by completing each day’s activities. If you believe that you have, please leave me a comment here so that I can take a look at your site and what you are doing. There is very little true competition on the Internet because most people do not follow through. Be the exception to this by finishing this challenge!
Day 19 – Contact several people from the list you made on Day 7 and see who is willing to do a cross-mailing with you. This means that you will mail your list with information about their blog and/or product and they will do the same for you. Doing this will give you both exposure to people who do not yet know who you are. This will also serve to build your list and to get you used to the idea of doing joint ventures and cross promotions with others in complimentary niches.
Write a blog post and an article about the other person and what they have to offer. This is goodwill and this is why I love having an online business. You are able to promote someone else as an act of kindness that will come back to you many times over.
Day 20 – Set up a paid ad on Facebook and commit to spending $20 to promote your product, blog, or fan page. This is the best use of your advertising dollars right now, and it will change your mindset about building a profitable business online. Facebook has a detailed, step by step process that will make it easy for you to set up your ad.
Day 21 – Plan to attend a live marketing event during the next 3 months. This is how I was able to jump start my progress in 2008. I now attend live conferences and workshops every 4 to 6 weeks. The next one I will be at is in May in Orlando. I would love to invite you to this event so we can meet in person and I can introduce you to people who will be able to help you to achieve your goals. Leave a comment here and let me know if you are able to come to Orlando, or to tell me which event you plan on attending.
Congratulations! If you have done what I have recommended during these past 21 days you are already seeing results. Once you get into the practice of marketing and creating content each day it becomes second nature, and you will be amazed at how quickly your business grows.
BONUS – All New For 2012 – Writing and marketing eBooks on your niche topics is an excellent way to increase your income quickly. I waited a year to do this in my own business, and that was a costly mistake. Jim Edwards has just released his all new version of 7 Day eBooks, and I recommend this inexpensive ($29) training highly. Let me know when you get started with this, and read more about this course here in my post on How to Write Profitable eBooks.
Connie, you’ve inspired me once more. I’m stepping up and I’m going to complete this 21 day challenge with you.
Here’s my USP – “I teach busy women juggling: work, kids, house and relationships, how to carve out some ‘Me Time’, ditch the stress, rid themselves of unwanted habits and make simple changes to put them back in control. This means they are calmer, happier and have the balance they crave in their lives.”
Thanks Connie, much love
Heather x
Just what I needed to launch March with my new focus and products. I’m looking forward to every challenge.
“I inspire, educate and support new Internet Marketers (newbies) on how to break down the overwhelming amount of IM marketing learning and class materials and into a single, step-by-step focus driven project, enabling them to build their business with confidence, project by project”.
Thank You
Hi Connie,
I am ready for the 21 day challenge and I am inspired by your success in the field of internet marketing and life. I look forward to having you as my mentor and know that with your help and guidance I will be successful.
My USP is- I teach people how to be successful and get what they want and desire out of life, by building profitable online business that they can use to help themselves and other people. I love to make people happy.
As a relatively new IMer, this is going to be great for me. Thanks for doing this.
My USP is that I promote affiliate products to different niche markets and will be developing my own products.
PS: How do I get my picture on here?
Go to Gravatar.com or WordPress.com and add your picture.
Thanks for joining us!
Great idea Connie! I work in a few different niches but here is my USP for my kids exercise niche.
I provide hope for parents and caregivers to empower them to successfully raise healthy and active children through kids exercise and nutrition.
Your USP is slightly vague. What do you mean exactly when you say that you ‘provide hope’?
I am looking to show those who are tired of their “9 – 5 trading hours for money job” that there is another way to earn a living, to build something worthwhile on the internet and achieve their dream lifestyle through persistence and a burning desire to succeed.
Aloha Connie and fellow action-takers :0)
This is SO cool, I’ve already completed the first challenge serendipitously! Today I sent a broadcast email to my list of 280 stating my USP. It’s the first email of a series where my call to action is a complementary Get-to-Session and Strategy Session for 10 energetically-aligned folks.
Here’s my USP: I help Spiritually open Creative Visionaries with a Big Mission to stop playing small, let go of overwhelm and Claim their Brilliance so they may Be of greater Service, Share their Gifts with more people and Experience Abundance on all levels!
I also work with Conscious Businesses looking to expand their impact be it in their local market or online by harnessing the power of new media.
With Blessings, Dewi Maile Lim, The Be Your Brilliance Coach
Connie, I’m also going to participate in this challenge.
My USP is – I teach women who were never told that starting a business is a possibility to use their skills & know-how to start a service-based business that generates revenue so that they can become self-sufficient.
OK – my USP that I use – “I train others to put structure to marketing and their on-line presence. Helping to attune their processes and activities. Showing how to get results. If you’ve thought you might benefit from a business coach, wonder no more. I over deliver, with your success forefront. In a fun way!” I am just so happy to be here! Thank you! 🙂
Hi Connie
Thanks for this opportunity.
My USP is this:
I help new baby boomers lessen their fears and gain their confidence as I teach them to turn their passions into profit.
With 10 years experience in the weight loss field, Gretchen offers fire tested solutions and advice on how to conquer sugar cravings, thus, conquering your weight. Gretchen gives people a way and direction on how they can get their health back that they so deserve.
I help women find out what career their called to do. While algining it with passion, purpose, values, while making a profit online or offline.
As an Emotional Freedom Techniques – EFT Coach, I help middle aged women who are in transition release limiting beliefs to reaching successful goals.I Do this effectively as a professional speaker, an EFT Coach and trainer in 1:1 sessions, webinars, teleseminars and live workshops.
Thanks Connie for doing this.
I teach child care providers (both parents/family and paid licensed professionals) child care techniques and information to enable them to be the very best caregiver of children that they can be. For professional paid caregivers I enable them to learn how to be a very profitable business while providing expert care promoting their care skills and business to a higher standard sought by loving and caring parents. Children are our future and we all should invest wisely.
Connie, thanks for being such a great leader, being there for all of your customers and challenging all of us to step up and succeed.
I have a passion for new learning and using new technology needed to run a successful business. I know many people are challenged with keeping up with and learning technology. I’m dedicated to weeding out what works and what doesn’t and sharing that information with everyone to save them time and heartache and become successful themselves.
Believe in yourself, you can do it!
I help small business owners how to succeed in business and increase their profits by offering a variety of online training tools and resources, available 24/7, “under one roof.”
Hi Connie. I’m thrilled to be a part of this challenge. My USP is:
I teach and encourage brand new internet entrepreneurs the “how to” step by step process of building a brand new online business helping them “Make that first $100” online; including building their home on the internet, list building, social media and email, article and affiliate marketing in order to start their home business on a solid foundation.
Celene Harrelson
Thank you very much for inspiring me, and giving the “right direction”.
I help myself stay motivated by helping others improve their motivation, by tweeting motivational quotes everyday on “rafski78” and on my facebook profile “Rafal Chmielowski”. Please follow me/visit my facebook profile to help achieve goals.
First quote:
“Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.”
~Dan Brown
I’m in!
I help small local businesses establish their Internet presence. I specialize in the building and construction industry.
I help women in mid-life who are ready to stop settling for less, overcome lack of confidence and self-criticism so they can have the prosperity, success and fulfilling relationships they want.
and thank you so much for this Connie!
It is so very cool to see everyone’s USP! Wowee :o)
Oops – forgot to say I will go to each site, as Connie said, then I’ll try to make a comment – so much fun! Connie is great at helping us 🙂
Hi Connie,
So glad your doing this!
My USP is:
I help people get into their skinnyjeans, one leg at a time. I inspire, teach and empower through MEPS – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
Its not about the food – its about your relationship with food. Change your mind, which changes your body which changes your life.
Pattie Pilling
Great to have you aboard, Pattie!
Great idea, Connie. I’ve been inspired reading other’s USP’s
I help small to medium-sized business and non-profits to grow their businesses with a strong internet presence through websites, blogs, and social media.
Connie, I’m looking forward to your challenge.
My USP is “I’m a watercolor, landscape artist. I teach students from 9 to 80 the foundation for good art practices. I also offer a service to give interested artists, the foundation of good internet marketing through affiliate products.
I’m so excited about this 21-Day Challenge and it aligns beautifully with my Planner “Designing my Life – Living my Vision” One of the bylines on the Planner is “Become more productive, more proficient, and more successful.” The other is “Gain focus and clarity like you’ve never known it. That’s my goal!
I partner with small business owners and solo-professionals to increase their visibility online so they can attract more clients and customers and be found where their prospects are searching.
Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and respond.
What I mean by providing hope is that we provide information and the necessary steps parents need to improve and maintain their child’s health through fun exercise and nutrition.
Hi Connie, hi everyone.
I’ve been umming and ahhing wondering whether I should write the USP of the niche blog I write, or whether I should just GO FOR IT and write down what I think I should be doing with my entire life, what I was put here for.
I think I know the answer, so here is my USP for my proposed idea:
I will create a supportive online community for women who are exhausted from working a double shift, once at work then again as a homemaker, and together revive their inner brilliance and lust for life.
Thanks Connie,
Just listened to the replay… aaaahh. to be accountable.
To teach new practice owner massage therapists (those earning income in private practice) simple systems for start up success while on a shoestring budget and help them let go of the W2 way of thinking in order to develop (and monetize) The 1099 Mindset.
It’s wonderful to see so many people taking charge of their destiny! You can do this, so be open to spending 20 more days stretching yourself and reaching new heights. Have you visited some of the other people’s blogs and left a comment yet? This is the ‘little bit more’ I spoke of during the teleseminar.
I am a best-selling fiction author and I say you are creative. I help people reawaken the creativity that has been stifled by so many things, and do it in a practical yet powerful way that will assist them in expanding both their business and their life. How can I help you?
(I’m so sorry I missed the live call – it was the same time as my mastermind group.)
Thanks for this!
P.S. Took the Entrepreneur test. Only answered one “no”. I guess I should be one… 🙂
Thanks Connie for offering this challenge…the timing is perfect.
We are each like notes in a symphony. When you play your true note the music is magical…and when you try to play someone else’s not the music is off. I am an award-winning Inner & Outer Image Expert who helps people to discover and play their “true note.”
I look forward to more.
Best, Linda
Connie, your desire to help others comes across loud and clear. I am excited about this challenge: the timing is perfect, and this is just what the doctor ordered.
My USP (feedback appreciated.) I help speakers say it so their listeners “get it” and love it!
Give us more details so we feel connected with what you do. Great to hear from you!
Hi Connie and fellow 21 Day Challengers,
Wow! This is a great opportunity for springtime. Thank you!
My USP: I love to work with solo-preneurs and small business owners who want to grow their businesses, get more clients, and make more money. I do this by helping them to make their businesses visible in ways that are specifically tailored to fit their products or services, and their style, and to do it in ways that fit their budget nicely too.
Rework it a little so that it flows more smoothly and comes in under 50 words. Nice work!
Dale L Anderson
Day 1, Connie I wish to complete this 21 day challenge
I Help Small Businesses Get More Customers By Making Them Findable On The Internet
I do this by providing a done for you service, or by training business owners and their staff a step by step process to generate new customers and increase sales to existing customers.
I have announced this to 25 business owners
I have read many of the blogs in this challenge and
posted on some that allow it
Hello Connie,
This Day 2 challenge is one that I have been perfecting for the past year. I set up my WordPress blog all by myself with hours of frustration, determination and perseverence. I have made several changes and have participated in several blog challenges.
Would love your feedback and input, if you get a chance.
Have a great day. See you on Day 3
Great concept and a wonderful way to get people moving!
I help people achieve their dreams and transform their lives by teaching them success skills that will help them overcome fear, end procrastination, and strengthen their self confidence, giving them the tools they need to set and achieve any goal.
Hi Connie,
I help diabetics manage and control their diabetes. I teach then what to do to lower their blood sugar and how to lose weight and keep it off forever.
I’m a slow starter also, and thanks in advance for this great push. I really need it.
Hi Connie,
Here is the one for my new business. I do not have the website up and running yet. The website that is listed is my current one, but I want to work towards this project for my new one.
Does that make sense? I have thought a lot about this. I definitely want your feedback on this.
I simplify the complex world of on-line marketing into easy to understand lessons for the new small business owner. My passion is to get the new business owner off to a fast start and help the existing small business owner with a website improve their on-line visibility!
Yes, you explained it very clearly. Thanks for joining us!
Day 2: Thanks for this challenge, Connie, and I’ll be putting on my thinking cap today to decide on what I will focus on. First step is to see what product I can offer as a Thank You and go from there.
Have a great day!
Good morning Connie! I already have a giveaway in mind for this new site. Will have it up in the next couple of days. I will go ahead and set up the site and get you the info for the theme. Thanks so much! Really looking forward to these challenges! Thanks!
Day 2:
Aloha 21 Day Challenge friends!
Great to see you all, today I will continue to reach out to more of you via social media and your sites as some have done with me. Please let me know you’re also doing the Challenge when connecting.
As for the challenge, I have a WordPress.com site and have been wanting to switch it over to WordPress.org; this challenge is probably that push I need to get this going. I use 1Shopping Cart at the Autoresponder level so the opt-in box creation is doable, it’s the giveaway that I need to focus on! Right now at my site I use a manual opt-in function to giveaway an original song, (not automated, not ideal).
I am asking and showing up for support here now as I commit to beginning the .com to .org transition; I may need some help and welcome your positive energetic support as well.
In the meantime http://beyourbrilliance.com will remain active. I plan on blogging about the transition as well.
Have a Blessed day everyone!
Aloha nui, Dev
PS. Not sure why my gravatar image isn’t showing.
Ah, I will try using a different email and see what happens.
Aloha, Dev
Does it have to be wordpress? I have blogger right now but don’t have an opt-in box (dont know how – new to this) and I am working on a product related to one of my blogs http://bellwellness.blogspot.com/ that is a self-care prescription guide (not part of the USP I posted yesterday) and the other USP – To inspire educate and support people looking to create more health and well being in their life. When it comes to self-care with any condition or concern “There is ALWAYS something you can do” even when others ( the experts, Dr.’s, other health care providers, family, friends) tell you there is nothing you can do.
I am marketing to clients of health services and am not sure how different people feel about ‘getting something’ for signing up with a health related product versus an internet marketing product.
Good challenge – really stretching my neurons!
You do not own your blog when you use a free platform. If you are in business, then own each part of your business. All you need is hosting (I recommend http://BlueHostSolutions.com – this is my link) and then you can have as many WordPress blogs as you want or need at no additional cost.
Another thing about Blogger – go ahead, click the ‘Next Blog’ link at the top of the page – I can guarantee you do not want to be linking to many of those other free blog sites when you see what they are about.
Hi, Connie,
I am working on 2 other writing challenges that seem joined at the hip, all pointing to one thing: Write! so I am publicly joining in the conversation here.
Day 1 – My USP as a writer, is ‘I write about ordinary things in an extraordinary light and by doing that, encourage others to see more of the extraordinary in their own lives.’
Vague? Writing is a passion that I haven’t yet connected to my online business efforts. I’d like this site to be my hub online. I realize if I practice this skill enough to write well and make it a daily habit, it will open the floodgates of content creation for other niche sites I have that are in various stages of development.
Does that make sense? To remain focused on one target to the point of profit is my main challenge. I want to change that this year. Stepping up takes courage which I sometimes have, sometimes not. That is the truth. Thank you for your true encouragement. It can be done, and I’m so grateful to have met the best people in the world online.
Day 2 – I have an opt-in box already and will work on a Thank You page promotion and a giveaway offer.
If I can apply what you suggest here in the challenge to this site and for this goal, I know I can make real progress quickly.
Hello Connie, Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this challenge, and for all the information I receive from you via emails.
Day 2 I would like to take up your offer of help with this task. I can set up the wordpress blog site, but have struggled to set up an optin form and thank you page – have done the learning bit but am struggling to practically do it! Would appreciate some help – as am very aware how important it is to build a list. I have an account with Aweber. Thank you Moira
Is there something we can watch to run through the steps we need to start a wordpress blog. I have Blogger and Posterous but was never able to figure out how to get a wordpress blog started. I am willing…just need the steps to do this.
Hi Connie,
I am very excited about this! Would it be good to use the Marketer CMS for this as a template?
Thank you so much!
Yes, the Marketers CMS theme is perfect for this. My direct link for that is http://MarketersCMSTheme.com.
Hi Connie!
I am currently encouraging working moms to build an online business so they can work closer to their families.
For this project, I have a slightly different target market. So my USP is:
I help small business owners and solopreneurs to create an online presence, attract more clients and increase their income.
Thank you for this new opportunity, Connie!
Day 2
I have my wordpress blog set up, now working on give-away and thank you page.
Day two: I have a million blogs, but I want to play here full out, so I started a new one. This will be in keeping with the new product I have coming out later this week (and you thought I’d been sleeping!) The new blog has an optin for a daily inspirational email and has one post on it. More will be coming soon!
Oh. Have to create the about me page. Will be probably be done before you see this!
Here’s the URL – http://www.lawofattractionwords.com/blog/
Thanks again for the push!
Connie, your offer comes at the perfect time. I’m getting ready to put up a mini-site during the next few weeks and this 21-day program will add to my accountability. PLUS, I always love when I get an opportunity to work with you!
Here is my USP for this mini-site:
I help non-techie people with simple WordPress solutions to create and add features to their blogs and websites so these websites
– draw traffic
– are easy to navigate
– are safe from hackers and spam
– and feature exactly what the business owner, coach or author needs to make their online presence a wow!
Always great to connect with you!
Thanks for the feedback Connie! Here is a revision:
My USP: I work with solo-preneurs and small business owners who want to grow their businesses, get more clients, and make more money. I help them make their businesses visible in ways that are tailored to their style, to their audience, and to their products and services.
Day 2–Wow! Thanks for offering to help us with this step. I would love to receive your help with this. What should I send you to do this?
Thank you so much for the ideas and encouragement, Connie!
Hi Connie and fellow challenge team., I ‘m going to set up my wordpress blog and visit the site connie stated to get a PLR items. this challenge is awesome. one of my goals is to learn how to setup wordpress blog and site. i love it. thanks again Connie i look forward to help with customize portion.
Hi Connie,
Thanks for the challenge. This is just what I need to get started and feel comfortable with what I am doing. I am setting up my Word Press blog and look forward to Christina Hills interview on Thursday. I have also signed up at Diana’s Easy PLR.com for her information and have started looking at possible articles and products. I appreciate that you will assist in helping us with the custom theme.
Thanks again,
Day 2: Well I have a blog at davidlewismease.com that I setup for the blog challenge last summer and haven’t posted their since that ended. Today I was playing around with Dragon Dictate software since I figured I’ll be writing lots of articles and reports. Then it occurred to me I should just write a review using the dictation software since the blog is tech related. So I did that and tweeted about it. My review is at http://davidlewismease.com/dictation-software.
If you’ve never tried a program like that check it out. You can do a lot more than just dictate. It can launch and control any program and even move and click your mouse.
You asked us to set up a WP site…can I use my existing blog for this? Or do I need to start again with a website?
The purpose of this 21 day productivity challenge is to teach you what it takes to be successful online. If your existing blog is not bringing you the income you desire, it’s time to change things up and stat anew.
Writing the USP is challenge. I find myself tweaking it all day long:)
So far:
I educate people on the use of alternative medicines to create and support a healthier mind, body and lifestyle. For my clients this means using safe and effective ways to rid themselves of unnecessary pain and frustration, with no negative side affects, utilizing a variety of methods which have been taught and used effectively for hundreds of years. The end result is a happier, healthier individual who enjoys a life of peace and balance.
Hi Connie, is it wordpress.org or wordpress.com to create the blog
I am so frustrated. I have spent hours on this trying to update my image and figure out how to make a post on my wordpress blog. I have gotten nowhere and don’t want to spend $85 on the site you suggested withlout being able to figure out how to do this blog posting. I am not new to all of this…
I have blogger which is soooo easy and Posterous whichi is not as easy but has all my graphics already and many posts. Help!
I need to feel like I am making progress so will post to the other blogs until I can get direction on how to use the wordpress blog.
I have not recommended any sites for $85 so I am not sure what you are referring to. If you mean hosting, I do recommend http://BlueHostSolutions.com. You cannot have a professional business online without having a hosting account. That will cost you about $100 a year, and you can set up an unlimited number of sites within one hosting account.
Go over to HostGator – my link is http://budurl.com/hghost – and get a ‘baby’ account for $7.96 a month.
Here is my new blog. I am going to work on my ABOUT page, but I would appreciate any help you can give me.
I help software, systems, and IT services organizations understand the current state of their organization in contrast to the CMMI model, effectively prepare for a CMMI Appraisal,
and be aware of what will occur during an appraisal so a productive appraisal can be realized.
Hi Connie,
That is the one I referred to. It costs $85 to get started as they don’t offer 1 month to try this out. I want to be able to make the posts and updates myself and for some reason I cannot figure this out with my wordpress blog.
I do want to work on content…and was hoping to get your assistance as you mentioned above. In the meantime I will work with what I already have set up and transfer it later.
Day 2: Okay, I’m off to work on a new WordPress blog. I wasn’t planning on starting another blog, in fact, for the last week or so I have already been working on a new site – using WordPress as a frame, but not with ‘posts’ in the typical sense.
It’s great to see so many motivated people taking part in your challenge!
I have gone to a sites and left comments.
Day 2 – I am working on setting up a new WP site with the challenge requirements of the opt in box, thank you page, one post and about page. Thank you for giving us a week to get this completed and I WILL HAVE MINE DONE BY Monday 3/14/11.
This challenge is the “nurturing nudge” needed to move many of us forward.
I’m doing my wp site tonight in a totally new, and unrelated topic than my main niche (conquersugar/conquerpounds).
How I sold my home in 18 days in a buyer’s market. Since I escrowed my real estate license after 18years in 2000, I found I still had all the skills I needed and want to share them with others.
My giveaway: 7 rules on how a home seller should interact with prospective buyers.
Hi Connie!
I literally just finished listening to the replay! Count me in on this challenge. I need all of the help I can get. I’m a true newbie to IM, starting from scratch.
My USP would be – I’m learning the ins and outs of affiliate marketing in various niches. I will eventually discover my passion and become a coach to others in that area.
Provide honest and reliable reviews about affiliate products that positively influence my target audience to make a purchase through my sites. My main goals are to generate a steady income that will help me achieve lifelong goals and dreams, and to also teach loved ones to do the same!
(Connie, your thoughts?)
Hi Connie,
I’m in!
USP: I offer tools and systems to help students in grades K-12 automate the process of getting their books and materials from school to home and back with ease and certainty. I train parents to support the use of the tools and systems so it becomes a lifelong success habit.
For Linda, Bluehost is currently only available by the year and that is $85. She can get HostGator’s “Baby Plan” for $7.95 for the first month then $9.95 a month. That comes with unlimited domains and C-Panel and Fantastico good for WordPress. Do you think that would be a good choice for her? [Yes, that’s a great solution. My link is http://budurl.com/hghost ]
I know I need to do this and I’m so grateful you’re doing this Connie!
I don’t want to give up on my current blog yet. It’s a sub niche for me.
I could not log in to find your info on creating an opt-in box and thank you page in your affilliate marketing course. and I was hoping someone would post it here.
My USP – I help individuals save money and reduce debt by using simple and effective common sense techniques. This allows them to stop worrying about money and start focusing on a more rewarding, successful and stress free life.
Here is my USP:
I provide practical solutions to mothers struggling with their weight and self image. My personal experience with my weight loss journey will serve as a motivational tool and I will save them time and disappointment by directing them to products that actually work!
Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
Thanks for pushing me Connie!
I help people identify and clear the stuff that is cluttering up their space and their lives. My byline is “I help people clear out the mess to make room for success!” I told that to at least 10 people today at a networking group.
Hi Connie
You said you were on PST right? (wink)
Sorry, I just saw your offer and am hoping that you will considering supporting me in setting up my WordPress blog.
I want to transfer everything from my blogspot site over to wordpress so that I can work with it more easily but I don’t have the knowledge to do that and it is holding me back on building my list and making an offer.
Any consideration you could give my request would be much appreciated. I’ve been struggling for a year and want to make the difference that I know I can make.
I am training in Strategy, Accountability and Assessment Coaching and my target market is women over the age of 40 in transition i.e. divorce, career change, empty next and looking to re invent themselves.
I have the website set up and will work on the optin page tomorrow.
Connie, this is so fabulous – thanks again.
Day 2. I already have a main blog and you’re right – it isn’t bringing me the income I desire. One of my goals for March is to give it a total overhaul and facelift so that it does – so this is brilliant for me. I will follow your instructions and get it right this time.
Thanks Connie,
Heather xx
Day 3 challenge noted, Connie. Thanks for including the recommended length of the giveaway as we can use that as a good barometer for future free reports.
Hi Connie and Team Connie,
Wow, everyone is working with such focus and determination – this is exciting to see and feel. Today I will be putting up the optin box, new site post and launching the special report I just finished. I will also be writing two of the class modules that go with the new site, and a blog post for my current site.
The comments option has been turned on for my current site so stop by and visit.
Day 3 update – wow, this challenge is SO working for me, Connie. Thank you. On Day 2, I set up a complete 6 page website: http://www.wordpresssolutions.inf including buying domain name, redirecting nameservers, installing WP in BlueHost with Simple Scripts. Added a sticky post, another post, About page, Contact page, other linking pages, and affiliate badges.
Purchased PLR products from Nicole Dean through your link and will be refining them to suit the needs of my site today. Whew! It’s not even lunchtime on Day 3 and you’ve got me smokin’ hot! Thank you, Connie!
Gosh – sounds like every body is doing so much!
I will get on today’s challenge, also!
Thank you, so much, Connie – You really are the best for each of us!!! So very grateful :O)
Hello Connie
Having studied the sales site further, I think I can answer my own question re marketercms vs socrates – I just wish I had known about it before! I will switch to it as I think it looks like it will help me with the optin page etc etc. Thank you Moira
Great to see that you decided to use the MarketersCMS Theme. I’ll be happy to install it for you if you’d like. Email me and I’ll tell you what info I need so I can do it today or tomorrow.
Connie (if you want to see this theme and why marketers are switching to it, go to http://MarketersCMSTheme.com)
I am ready to take your challenge so that my clients can see the very beat I have to offer them. Let’s get started!
Day 3 comment: What do you think about my Top 10 Games That Promote Indoor Family Exercise free report? Do you think it’s appealing for mom’s and dad’s out there who are looking to incorporate more fitness into their families lives?
Day 2 comment: I’m wrapping up a few things to complete my baseball site on wordpress. My opt-in offer are some free baseball hitting tutorials but I’m thinking about creating a new free pdf report.
My new site is:
Everything is done trough day 3
Optin page and form
Thank you page
free report
download page for free report
blog post
Your new site is a winner! I showed it on my affiliate marketing training call tonight, and everyone loved it. Thanks for sharing.
I thought I was moving ahead nicely until I read all the posts! At least I am half way there. I have never written a short report before, so that is my first task in the morning…right after I get back from Orlando.
Good thing I got my PLR from Nicole. That will make it easier.
Love doing this process. Helps to see the inner workings from start to finish. Makes a difference once you live thru it.
I have to meet this Dale Anderson…he gets everything done lickety split! And I love his domain name. I think its a winner.
What I’d like my USP to convey.
I work with people who understand “It’s not just what you say but how you say it.” No matter the medium (video, internet or in person) a person’s voice can make people listen to them or tune them out.
Many people have told me they don’t care how good someone’s content is, if that person’s voice–especially on a teleseminar or webinar–is irritating or boring, they hang up.
Here’s another go at my USP:
I help people overcome their distracting vocal patterns, help them develop a dynamic voice that enhances their image; a voice that sounds as good as the content they develop.
Much better, Virginia. Congratulations on sticking with it.
Still working on getting day 2 wordpress site/optin but I am excited about everything I have learned so far (especially the wordpress surprise!). I did get PLR Articles and am writing the thank you page, about page, and report.
Other things I am writing today include patient reports and a wedding ceremony address for a couple I am meeting with on Saturday. Honestly, its so much fun It doesn’t feel like work – instead of a challenge it feels like an opportunity (permission) to do what I love, Write!
A work in progress and moving forward.
I am a self employed Cabinet maker, and I need to find another way to make a living, I am not prepared to suffer dust, noise and sometimes heavy lifting for much longer, I am looking forward to learning all I can about blogging, affiliate marketing,opt in pages , sales letters, and more
I want to be able to go to my site to fix thing, not relying on others to do it.I have got my affiliate site up, but without all the bell and whistles, but soon it will be in good working order. apart from my affiliate site i am setting up karlsmobilehome.com just because i don’t want to leave the wood work behind all together , and when that is finished, I can just see myself traveling around Australia while updating my blog.
Karl villy
Hi Connie,
I intend to participate in this challenge. Thank you for offering this!
Here is my USP:
I teach local small business owners how to develop an online presence using blogging and social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, allowing them to reach customers who are searching for local services online. I also assist them in social media account setup and management.
Day 3, I’m using this challenge on a website that I started in October, 2010. I started it then, but moving forward has been sloooooow, and this 21 Day Productivity Challenge is just what I need to help me get started as the “Diabetic Diva” with my blog and products that I am trying to produce.
So, not a brand new site, but the one that is my passion and that I am so thankful for this help to build it into my vision, and along the way, build me into that vision also. Yes, it’s taking me out of my comfort zone (read cocoon) and into the business world.
Thanks again Connie.
My goodness, I have been reading everyone posts and clicking on there website/blogs and am in awe of everyone!
I have been at this for months now and suffer from information overload! This challenge is what I need to stay focused! Thank you Connie!
My challenge is I feel I don’t know enough about the niche that I want to explore, so this stops me from creating reports and auto responder messages etc. Am I getting to far ahead of myself? I thought that I would go into affiliate marketing as you did Connie, but feel I am unsure about this too!
I am not sure what my USP is…this could be part of my challenge lol. I am a stay at home mom and recently discovered the secret to happiness. I want to share my experiences and techniques with other women that may be in the same position as my self. I love the Law of Attraction so I started my blog based on this. I would like to promote Health, Wealth and Happiness.
I am a big mess and all over the map as you can see, hoping this will push me in the right direction!
Connie, thanks for the offer….I mean challenge. This may be just what I need to get off dead center.
As a tax planning CPA I seem to strive with to do lists and deadlines.
Helping small business owners and the self-employed lower their income tax burden is both my business and my passion.
Now that I’m already days behind, I must get rolling.
Tracey – Thanks for joining us. Let me know how I can help.
Jim – Your niche is a great one!
Hi Connie,
I am still in the challenge. I created my word press blog with an optin box, about and thank you pages and one post at joehausersblog. I didn’t put any tags or key words in though and need some help. Also I was a little confused on the optin box as it is just to subscribe to my blog and I was not sure if it should have been for a product or report? Will that come later?
Also I am not sure how long it takes to get on the web as I can’t seem to get it to come up.
I have started to look for a product or give away and will get the report going asap.
Also I own the domain name joehauser.com from go daddy but when I put it in word press it said it was taken so is that me or is it just taken as a word press blog by someone else? Since I didn’t know at the time I opted for the free blog but would rather have it as joehauser.com rather than joehausersblog.com What do you think and is there something I need to do? I am going to sign up for blue host tonight so another question is should my blog be hosted over there and if so how do I get it there? I don’t mean to be a pain in the butt, but I do have lots of questions. To sum it up this has been fun and although I am a little behind I will keep at it.
Thanks and take care,
Thanks Connie!
I need help with everything hahaha
I had trouble finding a PLR Article with Nicole on Personal Development, do you have any suggestions on where else I can find something to give away for my opt in?
I just realized that my url was typed in incorrectly on my last comment post not allowing my domain name to be found. The correct spelling is http://www.happinesscanbeyours.com
Thank You
Dale L Anderson
Got everything done through day 5
I am finding the Dailey Challenges pushes me a bit
beyond my comfort zone, as I am forced to just
“get er done” as Larry says.
I found the biggest challenge so far has been
my about Dale L Anderson page. For some reason
it forced me to look real hard at me and my history.
I found Connie’s review of her own past careers, and rise
to greatness in the IM field very helpful.
I see a number of people are progressing nicely
keep up the good work, rise to the challenge.
Great work, Dale. You are working hard, and it shows.
Hi All, I’m excited to be part of this challenge. I’ve waited until today to begin as I’ll be deciding on the title of my new WordPress blog this weekend.
Here’s my USP:
“I provide authors, publishers and book marketing experts with tools, training and resources to effectively market their book and grow their business using online marketing strategies. I am the author of Connect, Communicate, and Profit: Build Successful Business Relationships Online and the publisher of the Book Marketing Gazette.”
Your USP would be the first sentence only. Remember that in marketing it’s all about the client/customer.
Great job and info!
I’m working on a new site: http://YourSuccessfulHomeBusiness.com
I have the banner done, the Amazon book widget added (see Connie’s book there!)
and I have the giveaway report ready. Optin box is on, but I want to tweak it a little.
I’m working on the thank you page today and the autoresponder link.
I started not to post the site since it isn’t functional yet, and really has no content, although I have some amazing ideas how to make this site the best one I’ve ever done.
Then…I came across this statement: It’s entitled “Imperfect”
“Ring the bells that can still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in”
So with that…I’m posting the URL and I’m going to have a lot of fun with this site.
Stay tuned…
I had a couple of sick days and I’m back on with the task at hand. As I progress through these stages I am coming up with questions that I never thought of before. Such as: the blog that we have just created is for just ONE product to sell? I kept my site name generic as you have suggested in classes. My blog is on holistic health ideas. I have written about other suggestions as well as my affiliate product which is on an inflammation diet. I am writing articles regarding the diet, on this as you wanted, and putting links in the AR so they can be referred to. But my AR is talking about only the one affiliate product that I want to sell…right, or am doing this wrong?
OK…I’ve got:
a domain: YourSuccessfulHomeBusiness.com
a custom banner
a welcome post
an optin box
an 8-page short report for a giveaway
an About Page
an Amazon widget with 3 books on related topics
an autoresponder set up
Now, working on autoresponder messages
Looking for affiliate products to sell
Writing a short report/e-Book to sell
Please feel free to optin and get my report.
I’d welcome feedback
Did others run into a much more lengthy page when installing the All in One SEO Pack plug-in…it now supports Custom Post Tags…and has a lengthy page of things I am not used to seeing? So I am skipping it for the moment to be able to move on until I get clarification of if we leave the format as they show or if we alter it.
Did this stump anyone else?
Hi Connie,
Do you know of any good free resources on LinkedIn? Also the same for events on FB events?
Hi Connie,
I did it! And, I didn’t crash Facebook in the process. I set up my Face Book “business” page. I’m starting from scratch so I’m hoping ALL of you will visit me soon. It looks empty now. It will be so refreshing to be with like-minded professionals and not having to read about kids, dogs, cats and heaven knows what else. I really need new friends with a real life.
Connie, as for the email I sent you earlier, I have already deleted it.
It is so great seeing all the posts here. We are truly a hard working bunch aren’t we?
Oh, and Jeanne, I’ll have whatever it is you are having for breakfast these days! You are cranking it out!
What are most effective actions a local small business can take to promote their business online?
Hi Connie,
I need a bit of clarification. Is this new website simply an opt in page or a blog. I have a blog already. I would like this to be only an opt in page that brings them over to my blog.
Is the About me page for the new site? If this is another blog, will I continue on with this blog post this challenge? I can’t even keep enough content for one l
blog let alone 2.
Thanks for your help,
Hi Connie, I have joined this forum:
here is my first post:
Great work, Dale, as always! I appreciate your dedication.
Everyone else: Back to work! Google for what you need to know to do this challenge.
I did my first interview and spent a lot of time marketing it on LinkedIn and FB Events – and Twitter – it was really worth it. I was nervous at first, but then flowed right into it.
Wow – what a great thing – I need to get going on more – it is all really time consuming –
I was so focused on getting people to come – that nothing else was done on my business for a couple of days. But, it was worth it!
Thank you, Connie for the motivation.
I did follow through with a sign up page for the replay! Wow – didn’t think I’d ever ‘get to it” Have butterflies about the next one –
Here is my video
Dale L Anderson
Made a video for my horses too
Dale Anderson
Dale – both are really great videos – I want to be with the horses – riding and enjoying their beauty!
Wow – I am just not going to be able to sleep for the next week! I have another A-lister to interview – OMG – – you probably don’t know him – he is for LO’s and Realtors’ – what
Connie is for us!
But, the interview is next week and I have so many butterflies in my stomach!
Connie is pushing in good ways – Thank you, Connie
Oh my first interview was a success – thanks to the great help of my interviewee and Connie’s trust in our efforts 🙂
Hi Everyone,
I started this challenge thinking that I already have a blog that I could make changes to. But then I realised that I wouldn’t be playing fair. I wanted to play all out so I’ve started a brand new blog in the mumpreneur niche.. I’ve been working full out to get it ready and it went ‘live’ today. I’ve already got:
an opt-in box, auto-responder, a welcome post, about page, a couple of widgets. I’ve contacted 10 potential interviewees and 5 have said ‘yes’ and I’m working on a video and a product to sell.
Please have a look and tell me what you think. Opt in and see what you think of my ‘give away’ and leave a comment – that would be really great. Here’s the link:
Excellent! I am so proud of you for doing all of this.
Here is my press release for
FREE! Click and Mortar Business Report
Update: At the end of my first day, here are my stats:
20 sign ups
8 interviewees
I was approached by 3 people who want to be JV partners (WooHoo!)
I linked to my first post from twitter, facebook and LinkedIn and had:
46 people share my link on facebook
7 retweets on twitter
9 lovely comments on the blog
The icing on the cake was finding that my blog had been featured in a video as a good example of using the 2010 theme.
And that’s just day one – I’m absolutely delighted.
I’m promoting my own product and affiliate products in my posts, on my blog and via my auto-responder so with more of the same hard work, I’m looking forward to my first sale. Yipeeee!
Hope this has inspired those of you not quite there yet. Keep going – it’s SO worth all the effort. Non of my other sites has ever felt this exciting or had this amount of interest.
Heather xx
Heather – congratulations on your great success!
I will be attending a networking breakfast for the Bellingham Chamber of Commerce. Friday, April 8, 2011, also a Bellingham Business/Entrepreneur Coffee Meetup next Wednesday
Dale L Anderson
Thanks so much Connie! Super excited.
Like Dale I’ve been focusing on some upcoming networking.
I’m going to a meeting next Thursday 31st March and I’m organising the next mumpreneurs networking meeting for 19th May. I’ll be on the look out for other networking opportunities in between x
Still coming along however slow it may be.
set up an autoresponder and did an opt-in box for a self-care checklist (didn’t show up on the site though – need to change the hosting) but still learned the process – so simple!! who knew.
Wrote thank you page and email confirmation.
Practiced making a video with my S.O.’s son and his ITouch – came out great but it was silly and not being posted. Got me over the video hurdle.
(BTW S.O. suggested without knowing this challenge that a video presentation would be a good idea.)
Did a few meditation recordings that I have to figure out now how to edit as a purchase product
Several reports coming along.
No interviews yet but I have several people who have expressed interest ; )
Even though some of the things are not totally in place – It feels good to keep moving ahead, I know it will come together. ESPECIALLY WITH Dale, Heather, Donna, and Jeanne to keep the inspiration going. THANKS
Shared my USP’s with some people are very excited. nothing like enthusiasm to keep the engines going.
Will have some uninterrupted time this weekend – empty house YEAH!!!
Next week I will be attending a day long small business and home business networking event.
Wow Tracy,
You’re doing well – Keep going – you’ve got great enthusiasm and that gets the momentum going and then you just can’t stop!!!
I’ll be cheering for you.
Heather xx
Wow, Heather I can’t believe you have accomplished all that in such a short time! That is amazing, makes me feel like I need to get my but in gear and stop thinking I cannot do this! I did post an article and within hours got a comment which made me feel amazing, she said she found it in the search engines….which felt good!!
My concern is that my blog covers too many areas, Wealth, Health and Happiness. Should I have three separate blogs and just focus on one at a time. I mean realistically I can touch all 3 markets at once by using affiliates in all 3 areas or will this confuse people. I really want to brand myself as a Coach and expert in all areas since I feel they are all connected. Any advice would be great!
I am not where I should be in the challenge but I am plugging away at my own capable pace right now and it has given me the direction I needed(since I was lost as to what do to next) So thank you!
I am not sure how to go about asking for interviews..will they be via email or telephone how do we go about that?
P.S. Does anyone know how to add my picture to my header?
I believe you can keep the blog you have to cover what you are doing. Turn it into one niche – not 3.
Ask for interviews by phone or email, depending on what is most convenient for the person you
wish to interview.
My 7 part e-course on list building can be
be gotten for FREE right here:
Dale L Anderson
Dale – you are on fire!!! Love your 7 part e-course. I’m working on mine at the moment, watch this space 😉
Tracey – you can do it too! Just keep moving forwards. I’ve got 10 interviewees and they are doing an interview via email to begin with (I’ve sent them a questionnaire). They will be profiled on my blog (one each week). Later, a number of them are happy to do a Skype interview with me that will make a great resource for my readers. Then a couple of them are happy to do a live call with me on their expert subject. So keep going and you’ll get there.
Connie – thank you so much for this amazing challenge. I certainly is challenging me and although I haven’t done every task, every day, I am still moving forwards. I appreciate what you’re doing for us all.
Heather xx
Thanks Heather! Can’t wait to connect with you on facebook!
You guys are all encouragment to me!! 6 months ago I didn’t know how to barely check my emails so I am proud of how far I have come! I love it too, the sense of accomplishment is so rewarding!
Dale your site is great! Congratulations!
Connie, I just want to make sure I understand what you are saying about making my blog one niche….do you mean just make it about Wealth only and then start another blog about health and so on, or do you think I can encorporate all areas in the one blog! Basically I want it to be a self- development blog to help women in all areas of their life!
Thanks again for this challenge and the opportunity to grow more!!
Great website. I’m looking forward to the the eCourse.
ps. Are you coming to Louisville for Derby?
I am really excited about my Kevin Riley interview next week:
On Monday Kevin Riley from Japan will share his expertise on creating how to products, most local service businesses need to convert their service skills and knowledge into how to products and monetize them with sales and lead generation. I invite you all to come and see the birdhouse…
EVENT: Kevin Riley
DATE & TIME: Monday, April 4th at 9:00pm Eastern
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast — it’s your choice)
This all sounds like a lot of fun! I have a bit of experience doing some of this but teleseminars are something I need to practice and do more of.
Here’s my USP: I teach stay at home moms ways to make money utilizing their skills and passions. This includes various ways to write for pay, making and selling their own physical products through places such as Cafepress and Etsy, or with their own online store. This allows them to contribute to the family’s finances while still being home with their children.
I created my first products on one of Kevin’s courses. He really knows his stuff and makes everything so simple and easy to understand.
I’ve just signed up for Jim and Connie’s How to be a Super Affiliate webinar, here’s the link:
I’m really excited about this and am looking forward to putting my new found skills into action.
I’ll let you know how I get on.
Heather x
Connie — I just discovered this post on @DeniseWakeman’s BRAG ABOUT YOUR BLOG Day today! What a MARVELOUS post! Of course, it is what we have all come to expect from you! I’ve bookmarked this for my own use and to recommend to others because you have so clearly outlined a useful, simple, practical roadmap to online success!! As you know, I’ve been studying online marketing for nearly 3 years now — this is one of THE best articles I’ve ever read! 🙂
Thank you!
Rainbow Blessings!
STEPHANIE RAINBOW BELL, Conscious Channel and Inner Power Expert
Hi Connie,
Thank you so much for this challenge. I hope I can still join.
Unique Selling Position: I teach, encorage and inspire women to become the child of God, wife, mother,woman and online entrepreneuer they were designed to be. I do this by leading with scripture, hosting teleseminars, and showing step by step how to turn their passion into online profit. My aim is uplift, give hope and give real life steps to live the life of their prayers.
Of course you may still join. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your business ideas and goals with us.
I work with women who want to create a new lifestyle for themselves through entrepreneurship Emphazing how they can discover their purpose and passion to live the life they want and start their own business.
I look forward to taking part in this challenage though i am 5months late
Hi Connie
Your Challenge looks very interesting. I have a few questions I hope you can help me with.
Why do so many people try to go into the Affilliate Marketing Training niche?
Why do so many people not take action on there websites?
I am new to online marketing and from checking out some of the forums, it seems that a lot of people have started 1 or more sites but are reallly still struggling or taking no action.
Your Challenge looks like the perfect training for a newbie to follow step by step and at least get some feedback on the niche you have picked, to see if you can make money at it.
You made this comment above in your challenge:
So far, not one person has met this challenge by completing each day’s activities. If you believe that you have, please leave me a comment here so that I can take a look at your site and what you are doing. There is very little true competition on the Internet because most people do not follow through. Be the exception to this by finishing this challenge!
Have a lot of people taken the challenge and not completed it?
Again, the challenge looks like a great way to start in online marketing.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I have now had quite a few people complete this challenge, and it is my fault they have not posted here about their success and results. As to why many people go into affiliate marketing, I believe it is because that is the way many of us got started before we had our own products to sell. Please keep us updated as to your progress along this wonderful path of online marketing.
Connie Ragen Green
My goal is to educate women (cancer patients) how to fight cancer. As a survivor of Ovarian Cancer stage 3B it isn’t just going through whatever you decide medically, you have to heal the total body. I use nutrition, meditation, and exercise to help the total individual. I have written a book about the journey and striving to succeed.
I am willing to follow your 21 day course to further my goal.
Gail – Congratulations! That is a magnificent goal. I am a three-time cancer survivor, so I certainly understand how valuable this message will be to others around the world. Let me know if you need any more help, besides what I have included in this challenge.
Hi Connie,
I am here because of your generous gift during Sandra Martini’s countdown to 2012. Thank you.
I have been supporting caregivers of aging parents on my website http://www.TheIntentionalCaregiver since 2008 and in so doing, have found a joy for helping others with their social media, as well.
So now I’m launching On The Webb Social Media Services and following your 21 day guide because it’s a bit daunting to start all over again, especially in such a different niche.
Regarding Day #8 and the interviews: I’m not clear on exactly WHY I’m doing these interviews. Are they for an audience or my own knowledge? Do you have some examples of specific questions to ask each of these individuals?
Thanks very much,
Shelley Webb
The interviews serve a variety of purposes as you build a business. They can be turned into a product, give you wide exposure to build your credibility and visibility, and get you used to being in the public eye for your niche. Interviews will quickly turn you into the ‘go-to’ person in your field.
Hi Connie,
Although I don’t think I could get all this done in 21 days, this is still one of the most useful and actionable blog posts I have ever seen and I’ve seen a lot. I’m definitely going to save it off in a folder for for future reference.
Jim Belden
I’m so glad you found this information to be helpful. I have visited both of your sites in the past month and see that you have some great ideas on what you will do to serve others in your online business. Please keep us posted on your progress.
I’m excited that you are starting a new 21 Day Productivity Challenge. I am committed to completing the 21 days of activities (and beyond).
I’m already working on my first eBook – following Jim Edwards’ teachings in his 7 Day eBook program.
Looking forward to a highly productive 21 days.
My USP: Over the hill? Time to put yourself on the Upward Curve. Make fifty-five the new thirty-five and build a second life that makes you eager to get out of bed in the morning. Providing career information, health information and adventure information for the young at heart.
(Pike’s Peak or Bust in 21 Days Hurrah!)
I share my story of recovery from a Traumatic Brain Injury with the intention of offering hope to those who have lost theirs because I’ve been there and I know what it’s like. In my blog, I share how applying metaphysical principles has transformed my life. Later in my journey, I became aware of the Law of Attraction and I apply the principles that I’ve learned there to enhance the quality of my life as it continues to be transformed.
And, yes, Connie I’m committing to this program and am so grateful to you for offering this because it is EXACTLY what I need help with right now.
p.s. I can’t read what it says next to the boxes below, but I’m checking both of them. Hope I’m not agreeing to wax your car 😉
Connie, , In the last 6 days I have built, a website http://FayleeJames.com, on WordPress, created my free opt-in give away, written 6 autoresponder for Aweber, written 3 new articles and placed on Ezinearticles.com, added two items for sale on my site, and sent messages to 6 people about setting up an interview to be recorded for my new list members.
Are all of these endeavors prefect,,,no, but they are done and I will continue working on them until they are prefect for me, plus moving forward on my 21 Day Productive list of things to do.
Oh! What a great feeling to see the progress you can make when you have a plan…Thank you Connie!!
My USP: Helping You to Know When It’s The Right Time, To Take That First Step Toward Your Dreams and Goals
You exemplify what this challenge is all about – getting it done without worrying about perfection. I’ve just signed up for your list and look forward to seeing what else you will be doing. Thanks so much for sharing!
This is long overdue. I’m sitting here with my girls and decided to start this challenge and work my way up to the 2012 challenge. I am going to be reworking some aspects of my site. r
I’ve delayed taking part in the challenge because I had no idea how to word my USP. I know that the desire of my heart is to inspire and encourage business owners to pursue their potential and find their why. You know my heart and how my ‘why’ found me through sweet baby Anna.
Here is my first stab at my USP:
I teach entrepreneurs how to create success in their business by focusing on issues related to mindset, intentional action, and on creating customer service that counts. My core philosophy is to help people understand that “we’re all created with greatness in mind and greatness is meant to be shared.”
Hello Connie,
it is so great to be with you again. This challenge is coming just at the right time: the sun is shining today for the first time during the past four weeks.
I am not sure what I will be working on. As I see, I am a week late starting and just wanted to register myself for the challenge. This afternoon, I shall be going for a walk and will decide on my goals for these four weeks.
When I am clear about intentions for these four weeks, I will note them on the forum comments.
I am so glad to be with you all for this challenge and reading about your accomplishments. Best Regards, Doreen
Doreen – the 2013 Productivity Challenge is on my other site at http://ProductivityChallengeOnline.com – please join the group and move your business forward. Great to have you aboard this year!
Hello. Here is my USP.I may change it a litle after the 21 days and getting deeply involved with my work. But for the moment this is it:
It fascinates me to help people find their very personal color, a color that truly translates who they are and the strength of their expression both in business and at home; the one special color that empowers them and psychologically defines visually their unique message. The color that lets people recognize their strengths immediately.
Hi Connie,
I’m just coming to this challenge and I intend to complete it. I think it’s very helpful so thanks for putting this out there.
USP: I help aspiring solopreneuers go from employee to CEO of their own successful business.
P.S. My site is not quite ready for prime yet. I’m working on it.
Hi Pamela – Thanks for coming aboard and for your comment. I’s like to invite you to the updated version of the Productivity Challenge at 2019ProductivityChallenge.com.
Connie Ragen Green