This is a method to start making money right away, before you have your own product or course to sell online. You can teach someone else’s program or product to build a relationship with your prospects. This works well when you are very new to Internet marketing and want to build your credibility quickly. When choosing a program to teach, look for one that offers an excellent product, requires ongoing or additional support, and pays you an affiliate commission that will compensate you adequately for your time. Spend some time finding just the right program to teach, and then jump in with as much enthusiasm as possible. I continue to do this with several programs, including the shopping cart, where I hold a webinar training once a month for everyone signed up through my affiliate link.
Find a program that offers a level of excellence that you respect. This will be your best bet, because you will be able to become a spokesperson for both the course and the person who created it. I have taught several programs using this business model, and I will tell you that it can be very rewarding. It also helps you to build a relationship with the person who created the program to begin with, which may lead to joint ventures in the future.
The best programs to teach are ones that require additional training and assistance for those who sign up. One of the products I teach is the one I mentioned earlier; a shopping cart and autoresponder system that can be quite confusing for those who are new online. Once a month I hold a webinar training where they can ask their questions and watch me set up the various parts of the system. There is no charge for them to attend; I am receiving a commission each month from the fees they are paying. This works out well for everyone involved.
You must decide up front how much your time is worth. Once you decide what that is you can begin to plan how much time you are willing to spend teaching the program, course, or system. I knew that I would have more people signing up over time, so I was willing to spend more of my time in teaching. Within a few months I was earning twice my hourly rate, so this was a good idea. You’ll have to evaluate what will work best for you and how you will teach the people who come to you.
You can see that this can be a business model that will work well for you, especially when you are new online. I encourage you to find at least one program to teach that falls into this category and watch as your business grows to new levels over time.
Connie, You are always full of good marketing ideas and I really like the way you share them. Thank you!
This is a great business model to use Connie especially when starting out. I imagine you would have to ask the product creator’s permission to create a course around their product?
It depends on the site you are teaching. Jeanette Cates knows that I am teaching her program at, but I teach the shopping cart each month and have never discussed it with anyone from Great question!