Are You Asking the Most Important Question – “What’s For Sale?”
For any business to be successful, sales must be completed. This is true whether your business is online or a brick and mortar, and no matter what type of product or service you provide. This seems to be common sense, but that does not mean that everyone understands it. Ask yourself right now – what’s for sale in my business?
This concept of not focusing daily on what’s for sale in your business was one that I initially encountered when masterminding with a group of about twenty newer entrepreneurs in Atlanta in 2011. We were sitting in an open circle and I began the workshop by asking each person to tell us something about themselves and what their biggest challenge was in their business. Without fail, each person said that they were not earning the income they expected and did not know what to do to turn things around.
After the last person had spoken I asked them to now go around the circle and tell us what’s for sale in their business, whether it be something on the internet, a physical product, or something offline. And I further qualified this question by having them imagine that I or someone else had just found them, resonated with their message, and wanted to buy one of everything they were offering for sale. My mouth fell open when they shared more about their current inventory. Person after person had almost nothing available for sale. Some had a book or two for sale on Amazon, others had one or two online products, and some had a handful of products and courses, but nothing for sale for one hundred dollars or more. Almost half said they offered some type of coaching, but only two of these entrepreneurs had any information available on this with either a web page or a printed form they could hand or email to a potential client.
I dispensed with a discussion of how many books you must sell, or how many $49 products people must purchase in order for you to make enough money to keep the doors open each month, even if these are virtual doors. Instead, we turned to a discussion on affiliate marketing, where you have immediate access to thousands of products and courses. It was then that I shared that I had more than fifty products and courses available online, as well as my Online Marketing Incubator mentoring program. When it comes to recommending affiliate products, my best guesstimate is that I have more than ten thousand links available in cyberspace when someone is searching for help with a specific topic or a solution to their problem.
What’s for sale in your business? How easily may someone find you and what you do? What actions can you start taking today to broaden and expand your reach? Being an entrepreneur has never been more simple and joyous than it is right now. Be willing to do the work and let the world know what you have to offer.
I’m bestselling author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.
This post really hit home. I’d been asking myself that very question the last week or two. I’ve been making the change from web design to small business strategy and tech solutions, but continue to do web design as it brings in more money. The reason? Yep, I hardly have any products for sale on my other site.
What do I have? Some affiliate links and a $7 product. Grrr.
Thanks for the kick.
Now to work on products.