Using videos as a part of your online marketing plan just makes sense, especially if you are looking for a way to stand apart from your competition. There are many ways to create your videos, so think about if you would prefer live action, a screencast, mixed media videos, or even live broadcast. If you’re just getting started with this method of video marketing online, start with something simple and then learn more techniques as you become more experienced.
Live action videos can be created by using a Flip, your smart phone, or other video camera. You speak directly into the camera and give some information on your topic, such as some quick tips or an introduction to the website, product, or course you are sharing with viewers.
A screencast is when you actually show your computer screen during your video presentation. You may want to use PowerPoint, Keynote, or some other similar type of program to share some information. You can also show various sites on your screen by going to different websites and explaining what you are showing to your viewers.
Mixed media refers to videos you will make that can include music, photos, text, and more. A site called Animoto makes it easy and fun for you to create these presentations to share with others online. They have both a paid and a free membership available, so start with the free one and see how it works. You can upload photographs and video, and then add music to create the final presentation.
A live broadcast can be lots of fun, and you can use a site such as Ustream to host your own live show. The interview format works well for this method, and you can share lots of information on your topic to let your prospects know that you are knowledgeable in your field.
Once you have created your video, upload it to YouTube for the world to see. Even if technology is not your strength, you will be amazed at how easily you will be able to record, upload, and share your information with interested people around the world.
This marketing method allows you to create content quickly and easily. Even if you aren’t yet ready for your close up, you can always show your screen or use PowerPoint as your medium. Overall, you will find that more people will watch a short – ten minutes or less- video than will read your articles, blog posts, or short reports. You can also have your videos transcribed, and then you will have the best of both formats to help you to promote you business on the Internet.
Hi Connie,
Thank you for this information on Video Marketing. I love using Jing for screenshots and videos when I want to show someone how to do something. It is fun to use my Fllip camera to make short videos as well.
I have to admit, I have put video marketing aside for several months and after reading your blog post, I realize I need to get back into the swing of it.
Have a wonderful day,