Video marketing has taken off like a rocket in the past two years. Your prospects can see and hear your message, making it even more likely that they will remember you. It has never been easier to make your own videos and upload them to a web site for easy viewing by others.
This is a video I created using Camtasia. It shows a site that I am promoting for a course I will be teaching in August. It’s only about 90 seconds long and allows me to get my message across very simply. This is only my second video, so the editing is not perfect, but you can hear what it is about and make your own decision about how it will help you to achieve your goals.
These videos can also be included in an email message. Communicate your message in a video and watch your prospects reach out to connect with you more readily.
Hi Connie,
These little videos you have started doing are very nice! They make it easy to see and hear what to do. I look forward to one day being able to do them, too. Thanks for all of your help. You show us the best stuff.