Are Time Management Tips for Entrepreneurs Different Than for Others?
When you think of time management tips what may first come to mind is the idea of trying to squeeze more time into every day. The interactive world we live in allows for plenty of distractions. There are distractions by our coworkers or our spouses as well as our kids. Then there are our own vices browsing at the latest sports scores or seeing which band is going to be playing at our favorite music venue.
Some of these distractions are welcome, and should be. But all too often, they can become a nuisance that interferes with our productivity. Use the following time management tips to try and stay focused.
Try to Determine Your Most Productive Work Times
I call these hours your “prime time” each day. We have ebbs and flows in productivity. For instance, if you are a writer, you may find that writing in the morning is your most optimal time. If that is the case, concentrate your writing schedule to mornings only and use the afternoon for other tasks. You may need to track what you are doing for several days or weeks to see when these optimum times are occurring and their frequency. There are software packages that can help do the tracking for you.
Come Up with a Plan on What Success Means
Just throwing together a bunch of tasks is as useful as having no tasks defined. In other words, neither are very useful. Work with your manager and determine what kinds of tasks or goals will be needed for you to increase your productivity. Your manager will have his or her department’s objectives in mind which can be used to determine how you can contribute to those. You may even use these as part of your performance review. The great thing about doing this consistently is that you can make adjustments for the tasks that are not working out or where you need extra help. Your manager will appreciate you trying to become more productive and for being proactive.
Give Yourself a Break
Having a well-defined plan is a great way to increase your productivity. But don’t beat yourself up if you happen to have a few days that are not as productive as others. Sometimes, the tasks are going to slip up and you are going to be more distracted than others. It’s normal and you should account for some down time to recharge yourself. No one is expecting you to be a productivity robot. Time management and productivity go hand in hand, but not every moment of every day.
Most Important Time Management Tip: Strive to Be Consistent
Time management tips are a skill and needs to be learned and applied. It takes some adjusting in the beginning but is really just a matter of changing how you structure your work and the tasks to complete your work. This requires a consistent commitment to making it work. Consistency is crucial to success!
Be sure to check out my bestselling book on time management tips, Time Management Strategies for Entrepreneurs – How to Manage Your Time to Increase Your Bottom Line and become more productive and profitable today.
Connie Ragen Green is an online marketing strategist working with people on six continents to build a lucrative business on the internet. Get started right away at Online Entrepreneur Blueprint and you’ll be on your way to entrepreneurship.
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