Time management will help you to be more productive in your business. You want to build relationships with the people you do business with online and off, and that requires a certain amount of time each day. Most people working online today do not come from a corporate background, and are not as likely to be familiar with techniques for efficiency and effectiveness. Once you put this into place in your business, even in a small way, you will start to see how your business can grow very quickly.
When you give two different people the same amount of time to complete a task, you will know almost immediately who will be the most successful entrepreneur. The trick is to know what you will spend time on before you sit down to do it. To be the most effective you will need to keep a list of tasks at all times. That way you will be able to get to work immediately when you have some time, instead of spending time to figure out how you will use your time. For example, you mat decide to reach out to 10 people each day. This may be with a phone call, an email, or on a social media site.
In other words, if you have to wait in line, or in an office for an appointment, you will always have something to keep you busy. Keep a notebook with you to write in and to make notes, and also keep an mp3 player of some kind handy so you can listen to training calls and other useful information. You can do this in the car as well. In terms of building relationships, use this time to send an email or make a phone call. You do not need to be at your desk in order for this to be effective way to stay in touch.
This is making the most effective use of your time so that you can be more efficient in your business. By knowing exactly what you can work on once you sit down to work, you will eliminate the need to spend time deciding what you can do. The result is more accomplished in much less time, and an increase in your bottom line.
Being able to make use of time becomes more and more important as your business grows. The idea of the MP3 player works best for me. I can listen as I move about the house
doing the cleaning or walking the dog. This way I don’t feel overwhelmed about
how much I have to catch up on replays. Thanks for all the good advice.