Now it’s time to ‘sprinkle’ your articles with keywords. Once you’ve compiled a list of longtail keywords, your next step is to create content around these keywords. You can optimize each article for two keyword phrases if you like, but generally it’s easier to optimize for just one.
The key is to not stuff your article with your keywords, otherwise the search engines may rank it lower (rather than higher). As such, include your keyword in the title of your article as well as about two to three times for every 100 words of content.
Example: Let’s say your keyword is “hydroponic vegetable gardening indoors”. Your article might look like this:
Title: “Tips and Tricks for Hydroponic Vegetable Gardening Indoors”
Intro: include keyword at least once.
Hydroponic Vegetable Gardening Indoors Tip #1: explain tip and include keyword once more.
Hydroponic Vegetable Gardening Indoors Tip #2: explain tip and include keyword once more.
Hydroponic Vegetable Gardening Indoors Tip #3: explain tip and include keyword once more.
In short, summarize article and include keyword once more.
Article marketing is a long-term list building strategy if you are willing to do the keyword research. Making sure that you have keyword phrases in your title that your target audience is actually searching for is crucial to the success of this marketing technique.
Everything I write whether it’s an article, blog post or other content on my site uses a particular keyword that I researched before even starting the site. I have never keyword stuffed anything but I’m probably guilty of not using my keywords enough. I place my keyword in an article two or three times per 500 words.