Storytelling to Build a Relationship with Your List and Your Community
Building a relationship with your list can be a simple process if done from the very beginning. Storytelling is a natural and powerful way to connect with your target audience on a much deeper level than what most marketers are doing. You can learn to craft and shape these stories to retain their integrity while still making a point related to your business. Storytelling is comfortable for our audience, can be used to explain what we are doing, and is the basis for list relationship marketing. Let’s get into the details of using storytelling to build a relationship with your list and your community.
We all grew up listening to stories told by the adults in our lives. In school we heard even more stories, especially those related to the history of our country and the world. Over time we become accustomed to hearing stories that shape the way we make sense of the world around us. When you think of someone who has motivated or inspired you, it is very likely you will connect them with the story they tell. Craft your own story to let people know who you are and where you came from. It will allow them to make sense of who you are and how you can help them to succeed. This is a comfortable medium to use with your prospects and clients.
You can explain what you are doing by telling a story around it. For example, I am teaching people how to hold teleseminars when they are new and have no list. The story I shared with them is how I started doing teleseminars by making up a list of names and questions. These were my make believe friends, and they asked questions that moved my calls along. As I began to build a list I no longer needed this pretend list of students, and my business was launched successfully. The point is that anyone can hold a teleseminars, even if they have no one on their list.
Craft stories to connect with your prospects and teach what you know. This is an excellent way to monetize even the smallest list.
I’m bestselling author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.
Connie, you tell such interesting stories and I find myself reading some of your posts and articles, just so I can see how your story will add that credibility and interest to the topic. I do that even if I have no initial interest, of course I sometimes actually buy because of the connections you make to my situation.
I love stories and I notice I remember stories so much better then facts. When you can find a way to share or create a story that is filled with facts, but in a way that they stand out and are part of the story. That is the perfect solution for getting your point across in a way that people can relate to. You do this really really well Connie!!
Thanks and please don’t ever stop sharing your wisdom and ideas!!
Helen Raptoplous