You can make huge profits with a tiny list, and social media can help you to do this very quickly. Marketing your small business with social media makes sense for many reasons. It’s the modern day version of meeting new prospects and clients, you can extend your reach further than you ever thought possible, and it sure does save you lots of time.
Just a few years ago we were all still going to breakfast meetings, networking lunches, and after hours mixers. If you could connect with one or two new prospects you considered it a success. This was a tiring process, and the rubber chicken lunches became legendary. The Internet changed this somewhat at the turn of the century (doesn’t it sound funny to say that?), and social media revolutionized the way we connected with people starting in 2007.
Within a very short time, sometimes just a few hours, we are now able to have virtual introductions to people we may have otherwise never met. This can lead to an offline connection, where you can take this new relationship to the next level. This is all based on impromptu conversations where you can get to know someone very quickly. In the amount of time it would take you to go to a Chamber of Commerce event, you could connect with ten times as many people while engaging in social media marketing.
This new style of connecting with people you want to get to know better is now an acceptable form of communication. Think about spending some time on the most popular social media sites, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, and see how you can expand your reach, save valuable time, and change the way you do business forever.
Great post Connie! Thank you for providing quality information each time you post. I look forward to reading your blog. Believe it or not I just started social marketing in May of this year. It took me a while to get a clue!
I’ve had different sites since 2007 and now that I’m using social marketing I’m driving small bits of traffic to my blog and site that otherwise wouldn’t be happening. I’m hoping that they will turn into big bits and revenue soon!