You must remind your prospects of what your products have to offer them on a regular basis. People are busy, and most people are on several people’s lists. This means that it is almost impossible to keep up with the products that are available and how they can help us to achieve our goals. You must stand out from the crowd and above the noise by showing the people on your list exactly what you have to offer them.
This will be more manageable when you are just getting started, because you will not have much to keep track of. Make a list of your products and the products you are promoting as an affiliate. Write an autoresponder message for each one so that the people who join your list in the future will be able to hear about these products.
If you have already been online for a year or more, make a list and then a schedule of what you will be promoting. For example, if you have five products of your own and five products you recommend as an affiliate, make a schedule so that every few weeks your prospects will receive an autoresponder message about one of these products.
You can also write product reviews that tell even more about your products and the affiliate products you are promoting. These can be submitted as articles or blog posts. As long as what you are promoting is evergreen, these product reviews will be good for years to come.
Another great way to remind your prospects about what you have to offer them in the way of products, courses, and services is to discuss them on a teleseminar. When you open the line and allow people to ask you questions, you will be able to mention what you have that will answer their questions and solve their problems. In addition, you will want to take notes on what else people want and need that you could create as a product in the future. Having that live interaction on a teleseminar can really move your business along quickly.
Remember that new people are coming to you every day, and that people who have been on your list for awhile may have forgotten what you have available. By making a list, setting a schedule, and adding more autoresponder messages to promote your products, you are sure to increase your online income over the next few months.
In the beginning days of my list, I did see the importance of reminding them what I had to offer (mainly for the newer subscribers); however, I wasn’t sure if it would “bug” my existing list subscribers if they kept seeing the same things over and over.
Then, it donned on me. Since I have a set schedule of providing value (I send at least two useful, “value” emails before sending a promotion), it doesn’t matter if I were to remind them of my own products and services in every promotion!
In fact, over time I realized that since it takes most people to see the offer more than once to take you up on it, this actually increases your profit! So you’re exactly right Connie, thanks for the great article!