If you are not familiar with the power of the Mastermind, let me tell you more about how it works. I have been a part of two Mastermind groups for the past couple of years. These are a group of like-minded people who listen to your ideas and give you honest feedback. If it’s a terrible idea, they will have no qualms about telling you so. If it sounds like it has promise, they will help you get it off the ground.
This past summer I put together a Mastermind for several of my students. Each was reluctant at first, but over time they really connected and made great progress. Two of these people, Geoff Hoff and Helen Raptoplous, were competing for the Better Your Best contest. You may remember that I was the grand prize winner for that back in 2009, taking home 25K in cash. This is the contest held annually by my mentor, Armand Morin.
Helen had entered the contest last year and came in second. Considering the hard work and dedication that goes into this it was quite an achievement. However, a true winneris never happy with second place, and Helen decided to enter the contest again this year. Actually, about 12 people entered this year, but only two made it to the finals.
Those two were Geoff and Helen. I have the greatest respect and admiration for what they have been able to accomplish, primarily because I know firsthand what it takes to achieve your online goals.
Did the Mastermind make a difference in what they were able to achieve? Yes. Did my coaching make a difference. Yes. Ultimately it was their own determination and hard work that made the difference, but there is true value in coaching and in the power of the Mastermind.
Who are you masterminding with on a regular basis?
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