Becoming an entrepreneur of any type is simply not for everyone. If you are used to having a traditional schedule, weekends off, and a regular paycheck you may not care for having your own business. If, on the other hand, you look forward to being in charge, having the opportunity to earn as much as you want to, and love taking risks on a daily basis, entrepreneurship could be exactly what suits you best. Having an online entrepreneur blueprint helps you to get things going quickly.
Your Online Entrepreneur Blueprint
I was a classroom teacher for twenty years, and also worked as a real estate broker and appraiser on the side during that time. That meant working six or seven days a week, only taking a vacation every third or fourth year, and never feeling like I was living the life I was meant to live. When I discovered that people were making a living on the Internet with information products, affiliate marketing, and online training I knew this was for me.
The question I had to ask myself was this: “Am I willing to do what it takes to become an online entrepreneur?”
Over the next six months I was tested time and time again as I worked hard to put the pieces in place. There was no boss or supervisor checking to see what I had done each day. I earned no money in the very beginning, yet I was having to spend money on domains, web hosting, the teleseminar service, and an autoresponder account. Would it all be worth it?
The answer was a resounding Yes! And now I teach others how to get started with their own Internet businesses.
In order to build a successful business online you must be willing to do what it takes. This means setting up a quiet workspace for yourself at home, scheduling the days and times you will be at work, creating content for your blog and websites, and connecting with others both online and in person. Of course, this is after you have chosen a niche in which to specialize and made sure it is one that will hold your interest for at least the next year.
Next, you must find out what your competition is already selling to this market. Competition is to be respected because this means that people are ready, willing, and able to spend money on a variety of products and services. Join the list of everyone who is currently serving your market to see what they have to say, and become an affiliate for them if they have such a program.
Now it is time for you to make a name for yourself in your chosen niche. Blog as often as possible and say what you think. It’s better to be controversial and speak your mind than to be wishy-washy and go along with everyone else. Read everything you can on your topic, and not just from online sources. Visit your public library and bookstores. See what you already may have on your bookshelves at home. Focus on becoming as knowledgeable as you possibly can on your niche topic, as this is the path to becoming an expert or authority.
The final step is marketing your new online business, and that’s the glue to keeping it all together. I like to market every single day, even weekends and holidays because it makes my business stronger and increases my income. Remember that a single tweet on Twitter is marketing, and that much of your online marketing can be automated, so it’s not like you’ll be sitting in front of your computer seven days a week.
Have fun with the marketing and it will serve you well. Send out email messages to the people who join your list, including links to your blog posts, affiliate offers, and excellent resources. Be active on the ‘Big Three’ social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) and share your blog posts and other content there as well. It won’t be long before you are thought of as an authority in your niche, and your online business begins to skyrocket. Doing what it takes is your key to success.
Connie, I love how you wrote this post to show that it takes effort and time, AND that it is doable with these “simple” steps. I think I may have to print this out and post it behind my laptop. Thanks!
I have read one of your eBooks and am just starting your Time Management Strategies For Entrepreneurs with Geoff Hoff. The first chapter hooked me. I am bad about getting things done. I make a list to follow but never seem to follow through. Your post here speaks to me also. I know it is not an overnight way to make a living, but I have not gotten far at all. I have put in the time, but lately my computer time has been limited and my work suffers. It is much easier if you can live alone and have no interruptions. My husband encourages me, but he also, takes up much of my time. I have 9 sites plus an Amazon store and they should be producing. I know I need to make the effort and somehow do more marketing. That is where I am lacking. I don’t think most of my niche followers would be crazy about me sending them emails, so I can’t do that exact thing. Thank you for all your knowledge that you are sharing! You give me hope.
Thanks for stopping by my site. I bet you’d be surprised to know that I email my niche site lists on a regular basis. They love the information I share with them, and the income is very good from the products and services they purchase.