Your voice is extremely powerful. When you allow your prospects to hear you speak, you transform from a one dimensional figure on the Internet into a multi-dimensional person they can relate to on a personal level. It is the next best thing to being there in person. Teleseminars make it possible for you to do this as a regular part of your business model.
Teleseminars have been the most effective part of my marketing strategy. When I think back over the past few years, I can honestly say that deciding to give regular teleseminars as part of my online business has made it possible for me to increase my income each month and to connect with more prospects and clients than I ever thought possible. I now hold teleseminars and webinars several hours each week. In fact, many of my products are completely made up of just teleseminars.
Webinars require more technology, as well as requiring your audience to be glued to their computer screen. Most of us would prefer to download an audio file and listen to it through our computer or mp3 player. If I can avoid it, I always prefer to hold a teleseminar instead of a webinar so that more people will hear what I have to say.
You can easily use teleseminars to create information products. I teach my own students how to create an outline and use teleseminars for each part of their product. You can also include a study guide for each section, as well as a workbook for your entire training course. People can attend your sessions live, or listen to the replays. This type of product will sell for anywhere between $47 to around $497, and can be sold online for months, or even years to come, depending on the topic.
I have learned much of what I know on this topic from Dr. Jeanette Cates. She has been hosting her own teleseminars for more than ten years, and has trained hundreds of people to do this as well. She has an excellent course on how to host teleseminars for profit that I highly recommend.
By now you can probably see that hosting teleseminars is not as difficult as many people will lead you to believe. I encourage you to jump right in and add it to your marketing strategy. When you experience what it is like to connect with your prospects in this more intimate way, you will be glad you have added this to your business model.
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