I hear many people complain about the learning curve and the amount of time they spend with getting their business started on the Internet. I felt the same way when I was getting started and learning Internet marketing, but it’s just like going back to school to learn something new for a change in career.
When I was thirty I decided that I wanted to return to school to get a teaching credential. The Challenger space shuttle disaster had happened in January of that year, and by the Fall I had signed up for the teaching credential program at a university close to where I lived. I also took a part-time position as a teaching assistant at the elementary school down the street from me. This was all in addition to my work in real estate as a broker and a residential appraiser.
I turned off my television, told my friends and family what I was doing, and got busy learning how to become a classroom teacher. In January of the following year I was offered a substitute position, and that was the school where I was hired the following year.
If this sounds like lots of time and effort on my part, you are correct. I also had to borrow money in order to finance this education, so my sacrifice included both time and money. The result was that I received my teaching credential and went on to teach in four different schools over the course of the next twenty years.
Learning anything new takes time, effort, and resources. Starting a business on the Internet is no different. I would encourage you to sit down with your family to see how you are going to make the most of your time while you are setting up your business. There will not be a job available, at least not in the way you get a job when you finish school, but there are no guarantees with that, either.
Instead, plan on how you can increase your skills and build a solid business foundation based on your interests, experiences, and the need of people in the marketplace. I believe that if you take the time to plan it all out, you will see that this is something that can bring you many years of a satisfying and financially rewarding experience.
Choose the mentors you will learn from very carefully, and work at being as productive as possible each day. This will bring you results fairly quickly, and you will be on your way to the Internet lifestyle.
Very good insight and assessment of what it takes to succeed and great advice. I appreciate all you do to help others succeed.
Keep up the good work!