Outsourcing refers to the process of having someone else complete some of the tasks associated with your daily business. I was reluctant to outsource any part of my online business for two reasons. First, I believed that no one would care as much about my business as I did, and that it would not be done the way I like it. Second, I was sure that I was not making enough money yet and couldn’t possibly afford to pay someone else to help me.
This all changed very quickly for me three years ago. One Saturday afternoon in the spring of 2007 I was struggling with setting up a new web page. I was using FrontPage 2003, a program no longer available, and the settings were way off. My graphic was too far to the right, and the text would not align properly. I had a charity event to help with in my community that evening, and I was determined to get my work finished first.
After two hours of fighting with this program I finally decided to ask for help. I called Nikki, the woman who had shown me how to set up my websites and created graphics for me in the past, and asked her if she could please create the page I needed and have it ready for me by Monday. She said yes.
I had faith that this situation would all work out, and left for my event. Truthfully, I did not even give it much thought for the remainder of the weekend. On Monday morning I received an email from Nikki with the link to the new web page. I could not believe my eyes! She had done a beautiful job, and what she had created was far better than anything I could have imagined. She had even created a new graphic that was crisp and clear, and added a design along the bottom of the page that made it look so professional. Her fee to do this was less than I had thought. I looked back at my ‘homemade’ page and promised myself right then and there that I would always outsource this type of work.
Within a month I began outsourcing my article submissions, and now I have others do what I am not good at and do not like to do on a regular basis. The money I spend on this is well spent, and more than makes up for what I am able to accomplish during that extra time. Take a look at the one thing you know you are not very good at doing, and may even dread doing, and find someone else who can do it for you. This will free up your time and energy, allowing you to do the parts of your business you love. You can Google for freelancers that will do almost anything you might need.
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