I’d like to ask you a question… How is your writing moving you forward as an entrepreneur? I will begin by answering this question myself.
I was not a writer when I got started online in 2006. Soon after leaving my job as a classroom teacher and giving away my best real estate clients to those who could better serve them I came online to start a business. Within the first few weeks I realized that writing was going to be a necessary and crucial part of what I was working to achieve. Private label rights (PLR) content was in its infancy, so using other people’s writing was not an option at that time. I was not familiar with curation and didn’t know anyone to ask to write a guest post for me.
During the spring of 2006 I challenged myself to write one hundred posts (these would also be articles) in one hundred days. I did not do this…I wrote and published these hundred articles in just 78 days! And in the process I got into the habit of writing every single day. This was probably the most important result of my challenge.
Publishing blog posts and turning them into articles to submit to the article directories that were active at that time allowed me to lay a foundation for my new business. I have now written and published well over two million words on topics ranging from entrepreneurship to authorship to time management and productivity and on to mindset. My writing becomes information products, books, short reports, presentations, and more.
Our writing is a legacy we leave forever. Becoming a writer can open doors in ways we may not be able to imagine. Writing every day will open your mind to new ideas and possibilities and get your creative juices flowing. Your words introduce you to others who may have no idea who you are right now. Writing your words in a way that can shape someone’s thinking is more powerful than anything else I can think of in the world.
Begin by writing simple articles, and use my most simple and effective strategy if you’re just starting out as a writer. One person may be so affected by something you write their world can turn upside down. This has happened for me many times throughout my lifetime. Also, be sure to connect with like-minded individuals along your journey, as they people hold the potential to become the fabric of your life.
Now it’s your turn. I want to hear from you about your writing and how it is moving you forward in your life and business. No matter where you are right now, what goals you have personally or professionally, or if you are yet to publish your first words, your insights are valuable to me and to the people who will read this post over time. Please leave a comment that answers the question, “How is your writing moving you forward?” Thank you in advance.
I Give My Highest Recommendation to Jim Edwards’ How to Write and Publish Your eBook in As Little As 7 Days
I’m bestselling author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.
Well written words to encourage others in their writing journey. So often we fail to understand the impact our words (spoken or written) may have on others. Additionally, we often fail to recognize that our writing is also shaping us. I hope that I will learn to write in a way that encourages everyone.
Thank you for your insight into this important area, Pam. Your words here are ones of encouragement so you are already achieving your goal.
Connie Ragen Green
That’s impressive goal achievement! I still pay my mortgage with books I’ve written up to 10 years ago and now I’m more selective about the topics.
I recently made a goal in making youtube videos. I had about 30 subscribers in the 9 years I had a channel but only used the platform as a placeholder. I decided to make an effort on the channel and created 30 videos in 30 days and soon after earned my first 100 subscribers. What I love about it is that all that content can easily be repurposed.
You are awesome with your accomplishments, Brenda. I would recommend having each YouTube video transcribed and the text added just below the video for increased results.
Connie Ragen Green
My writing helps me clear my head, clear overwhelm. It increases my creativity and brings me new ideas. I used to write at least 500 words per day, and this practice made writing so much easier. I’d need to go back to this practice! Thanks for the reminder!
Clearing our heads by writing is a benefit I hadn’t thought of as I wrote this, Judit. Thank you for your reminder to me!
Connie Ragen Green
Great article, Connie! One bit of writing that definitely moves my business forward is the email that I send out to my list several times a week. I try to share something personal, something encouraging, and a recommendation (or a few!) that I believe will help my readers move forward in their own lives and businesses. This results in sales that boost my profitability. I also write courses, articles, PLR, and sales copy that all help build my business.
Writing carries benefits for me personally as well. I use writing to clarify my thoughts and goals so I can decide how to use my time to best advantage.
Yes, of course, our written messages to our community! So wise of you to mention this, Norma. I enjoy reading your emails, especially when you share a bit of yourself with your readers so that we can get to know more about you.
Connie Ragen Green
300 articles in 78 days? Wow, that’s awesome.
I spent many years writing as a ghostwriter, so I had to do a lot of research as I was often writing about topics that I knew nothing about! That’s kind of stuck with me as a mantra – learn while I write.
Now it’s all about my personal development and growth. My writing and personal development are combined. I learn while I write and I write about what I learn, and every day I get to grow a bit in some way.
I like that mantra – “Learn while you write” – and thank you for sharing it with us, Hannah. It was one hundred – not three hundred – articles in seventy-eight days. Much appreciation for stopping by and best of success with your personal development and growth. That’s an area I will focus on for the remainder of my life.
Connie Ragen Green
Hi Connie, great post! I am so impressed that you wrote more than a blog post a day! I’ve been trying to write a post a day for just one week in Darren’s Problogger Content Series and it’s been challenging.
For a long time, I wrote in my journal every day, but now I’m not sure it’s necessary any more, so I’m wondering if I should be writing for my blog or my book projects during that time instead. I’ve always had the dream of having my own business, but really the only thing I’ve done to make money outside of my job (like you were, I’m a teacher) is sell articles and editing services. I’m intrigued by the idea of making money selling things online but haven’t a clue how. However, I have a book idea that could be sold on my blog and I’m getting the concept from this course that what I need to do is work on it every day.
Thank you so much for stopping by, Sonja. Writing regularly is a challenge until you make it a daily habit, I have discovered. I continue to journal each morning as a way to clear my thoughts and prepare for the day. If you’re already able to sell articles and offer editing then you are in business! Create an outline for your book, commit to working on it for an hour each day and you’ll be a published author sooner than you ever imagined.
Connie Ragen Green
Wow 100 articles in 78 days is inspirational. I would love to move forward with my writing. My challenge is being at home full time with three very little children. But this is my future goal!
Raising children is a worthy goal and can be challenging. Ask for help in finding at least one hour out of every 24 that is just for you. When you manage and protect your time you are teaching a valuable lesson to your children. Your writing will become the legacy you leave for them.
Connie Ragen Green
300 article in 78 days is amazing. I have been writing since Junior High, or Middle School as it is now called, when I was published for the first time. I have two published books, and two soon to be published. I write often but not daily. You would think by now that I would have developed the discipline to write daily. LOL
Writing helps me clarify my thoughts, and at times communicate better with others.
Congratulations on your success as a published author! Instead of thinking of it as discipline, perhaps it will serve you better to think of your writing as a habit you wish to develop more fully. Communication helps to make our world a better place for everyone.
Connie Ragen Green
Congratulations, Connie. A very useful article with purpose and heart. I’m used to writing every day but not always for my own reasons. Have to get down to clearly defining what I want out of my writing.
Thank you for your kind words, Diane. Think of your writing as the thread that will tie your life experiences together and gently but directly carry you to the destination you have in mind.
Connie Ragen Green
You are an excellent writer, Connie! Like one of the other commenters, my writing helped pay for our house but now I use my writing to both teach others make a living online and to create products that I sell. I’ve started dictating some of my content and find it to be a quick way to get the writing done. I created a short e-book last week in about 4 hours for a giveaway!
Thank you for your compliment regarding my writing, Ellen. I am so honored to be co-authoring a second book with you and have to pinch myself regularly to make sure it’s true. I appreciate you and thank you for stopping by.
Connie Ragen Green
What an inspirational article, Connie. I’m new to your work, but gleaning so much information from your emails.
My most important writing is my weekly Friday Finds post, where I share book recommendations, recipes, and a creative project with my readers.
I am predominantly a book reviewer, but looking to explore ways to better monetize my website,
Gina, I’m so glad we have connected. You are already a writer with what you are describing here. Take it to the next level and magic will happen.
Connie Ragen Green
Thanks for the encouraging post, Connie. I write, but haven’t done so consistently and haven’t yet built up a critical mass, if there is such a thing. 100 articles in 78 days is quite an accomplishment.
Consistency is crucial with anything we want to achieve. I don’t know about the “critical mass” concept, as writing becomes a daily activity we engage in to create our ongoing body of work. Thank you for your comment.
Connie Ragen Green
In my freshman year of college, my English professor was a regular fiction writer for the Saturday Evening Post and he required us to submit something we had written every week. My goal became being an English teacher (which didn’t happen) but more important, I realized that I could write things that people wanted to read. That was 60 years ago and I’m still writing.
I began writing romance novels and attended the Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference in Monticito, CA for many years where I learned, among many things, how to use fiction techniques to make non-fiction come alive.
As a freelance writer, I wrote for many different regional and national publications perfecting my craft along the way. twenty-eight years ago, I started a gift basket business and when publications for the industry began to appear, I became a columnist. This led to my being invited to be a speaker at the national conventions and to the founding of national network (giftbasketnetwork.com). When the major national gift basket publication (where I was a columnist) ceased to exist, I started a digital publication for the industry. It is still published monthly.
With the monthly magazine, my own very active gift/gift basket business, and several ebooks under my belt, I also have blogs on the giftbasketnetwork site, a giftbusinessowners site and on my ecommerc site at shopcreativegifts. The blogs have taken a back seat but Connie’s recent workshop on “becoming an authority” has made me committed to doing more blogging and to create a medium account and a blog for the url for my name. Now I just have to find more hours in my day!
Thank you for sharing so much valuable information and details, Joyce. I had forgotten about our Santa Barbara connection. You have definitely accomplished many worthwhile goals.
Connie Ragen Green
I was and still am an educator by nature. I always thought I was a pretty good writer, but my writing was my ticket to good grades in school, as a contributor to the body of knowledge in my career, and ways to be of service to others in retirement. As a entrepreneurial newbie, I am just beginning to see the impact that writing can have on my success in business. I guess it surprises me somewhat because that requires a huge mindset shift. Now, I find it exciting to think I can actually profit from my writing skills.
Thank you for your comment, Vicki. Yes, we can build and grow lucrative businesses with our writing. This was a wonderful realization for me and just part of the reason I was determined to turn myself into a published writer all those years ago.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie, you are a writers inspiration. I applaud your commitment and dedication. You have given me tools to up my game with your writing ‘habit’. Although I’m still working on the ‘habit’ part of writing, hoping it will arrive any time soon.
I did get into the writing “habit” when I decided to turn myself into a writer. Thank you for your kind words, Bo and I look forward to reading even more of your excellent and well written posts and articles.
Connie Ragen Green
Hi Connie
Being a numbers person I thought that starting an online business and writing consistently would be challenging. It was but with your help my writing has improved and I have discovered that it is ok to be me. People are interested in what we have to say. We all have experiences and stories to share. and if my writing can help just one person it is worth doing. Writing does get easier with practice so consistency is key.
Anne, thank you so much for your comment. I had forgotten that we had discussed your writing so long ago. I look forward to reading your posts and the trainings you create with great anticipation and am never disappointed. Yes, we must be ourselves and let others know what we have to say on the topics we are interested in and knowledgeable about. Consistency is key!
Connie Ragen Green
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge about the value of writing consistently.
There are so many writing styles in the discipline of writing or authorship, and I enjoy how you combine them in your emails, sales letters, and blog posts..
I love writing short stories.. At rhe same time I enjoy writing about business or personal development topics but find that my first instinct when I’m writing business topics is to get right to the purpose and then break it down (the 5 paragraph format). I often have to back-track to incorporate a story. You have honed that skill and do it naturally.
Thank for your stellar example of consistency.
Yvonne, your kind words here touch my heart. I haven’t thought about my “5 Paragraph Model” in so long, so perhaps it is time to revive it for people newer to my community. I am on your list and love reading every word you share with us. Where may we see your short stories?
Connie Ragen Green
Hi Connie,
I have been amazed at your writing; how you connect your life experiences and day today activities to everything.
I am a new blogger and I find it easy to write about things that I enjoy most such as spending time with my family and how I manage to do things.
I am very proud of my tween daughter who wrote a children’s book and I was able to publish it on Amazon kindle.
Intertwining my business and my personal life has enabled me to develop a brand that is unique to me. I’m glad you are finding it easy to blog. How proud you must be of your daughter being a published author, Iranthi!
Connie Ragen Green
I really enjoyed your post, Connie. I have been writing in one form or another for most of my life and have spent a good portion of that time teaching creative writing to others. At this stage I find writing to be very therapeutic and it helps me to order my thoughts and understand my emotions. My next goal is to produce an eBook and you have given me some inspiration. Thank you.
Mary, when someone is inspired in any way by my words or actions it makes my day, so thank you for that. It was a creative writing teacher many years ago who first inspired me to tell stories of my life, so it is important work you are doing. Yes, writing is therapeutic and allows our thinking to expand.
Connie Ragen Green
Thank you for your kind comments, Connie.
The 5 Paragraph Model has served me well for many years. It’s simple and easy to remember so I believe it can be of benefit to those who are newer in your community.
Thanks for asking about my short stories. Many of them can be found between business articles in my column at bizcatalyst360. Your system may not allow me to leave a link. Yvonne’s articles I’d be honored if you visit and read a few.
Yvonne A Jones
Thank you so much, Yvonne. I have edited your click so that it is now clickable.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie, my writing is moving me forward in many ways. Writing has given me the confidence to write and publish my first book, “Eat Your Blues Away” that chronicles my accidental recovery from depression, to post regularly to 2 blogs and to create and teach courses. Beyond what it has allowed me to do, I love to write! It gives me great joy to just sit down at my laptop and let my fingers fly!
Hi Connie, I have recently re-established my blog and am always looking for inspiration to keep motivated writing. Your post resonated with me so much as writing daily has helped me shape my writing in ways I thought were impossible. Never did I feel I would be in a place to say I love writing! Thank you for your knowledge and inspiration. I always love reading your emails full of helpful tips and resources.
Thank you so much for stopping by, Caroline. I appreciate you! It warms my heart to know that I am able to inspire you as your love of writing grows and prospers.
Connie Ragen Green