You can plan a teleseminar where you can teach others what you are learning. I first did this in 2006, when I taught people what I knew about blogging and article marketing. Even though I wasn’t an expert in either area, I had learned enough to share my knowledge with others who were just getting started.
What could you teach or explain to others? When I was teaching, I always had my students teach each other the concepts I had just taught them. This reinforces your knowledge and is extremely helpful to those who know even less than you do. You can then recommend the resources and the people whose programs you are learning from, giving your affiliate link.
I think I have at least (and probably alot more) telesemiinars in me. But how do I promote it and then how can I everage those experiences?
As always, thanks for your inspiration.
Connie, Thanks for the reminder that even though we may not be considered ‘experts’ in a particular area, we can still share the knowledge we’ve gained through workshops, etc. with others.