This is a method to start making money right away, before you have your own product or course to sell online. You can teach someone else’s program or product to build a relationship with your prospects. This works well when you are very new to Internet marketing and want to build your credibility quickly. When […]
How To Create An E-Course To Give To Your List
An e-course is a series of short lessons that teach your prospect some basic information on your area of expertise. I love e-courses. They have proved to be extremely profitable for me and thousands of others who are working on the Internet. When you are creating your own e-course, think about the topic, what else […]
Storytelling To Build A Relationship With Your List
Storytelling to Build a Relationship with Your List and Your Community Building a relationship with your list can be a simple process if done from the very beginning. Storytelling is a natural and powerful way to connect with your target audience on a much deeper level than what most marketers are doing. You can learn […]
Create Raving Fans By Responding To Their Emails
You can create raving fans very easily on the Internet. Responding to your prospects’ emails is one way of doing this, and you will be connecting with them on a deeper level. We can probably all remember when we were brand now to online marketing and needed help with some of the smallest things. I know that […]
Profiting With Your Autoresponder Messages
This idea was hard for me to grasp, but now it is a solid part of my marketing strategy. Setting up a series of autoresponder messages for each topic and product you create gives you the opprtunity to stay connected with your prospects and clients for an extended period of time, rather than for just […]
Video Marketing To Reach New Prospects On Your List
Even if someone has been on your list for quite awhile, they may not be a prospect. The reason I am saying this is that we all join lists to get the free giveaway or because we were interested at the time we signed up, but now we just don’t care as much. If there […]
Interview The Experts In Your Niche – And Let Them Interview You
When I was new online I did not understand how I would ever be able to interview anyone, let alone be interviewed by others. After the first year I finally got up enough courage to ask two people if I could interview them, and they both agreed. Each person was someone I had purchased a […]
The Secret No One Tells You About Newsletters
I’ve discussed newsletters here, but there is so much more that you need to know. Offering a free newsletter not only builds your list, but also gives you an opportunity to market to the people who are already on your list. Best of all, you have to do very little in order to create a […]
Remind Them Of What Your Product Has To Offer
You may have a list of people who have opted in to receive more information on your topic, but have not purchased your eBook or other product. I have found that the best way to connect with them is to remind them of what your product or servive has to offer. For example, tell them […]
Offer Your List A Free Membership To One Of Your Sites
You may know that I now have 6 membership sites. These sites allow me to have multiple streams of online income in the areas where I am something of an expert. These include article marketing, affiliate marketing, and marketing for small businesses. So how can this help you, you may be asking? I decided to […]
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