Testimonials: Selling Yourself to Others for Awesome Results
Did you know that what others say about you is about one thousand times more believable than what you say about yourself? I first learned this from legendary marketer Dan Kennedy when I started my online business as an entrepreneur in 2006. I’ve continued to find this to be true, especially on the internet where people may live halfway around the world from you. Let’s talk about testimonials: Selling yourself to others is crucial to your success in every area of your life.
Whenever someone tells you in person or emails you with a compliment about what you are doing in any aspect of your business, ask them right away if you can use what they’ve said as a testimonial. Most people are happy to let you use their comment, along with their full name, city, and website. You may wish to include one or two of these in your emails to let the rest of your list know how others feel about you and what you are doing.
Testimonials: Selling Yourself Within Your Sales Letters
When it comes to your sells letters, testimonial make a huge difference in how others perceive you, in relation to what you have to offer as a part of your business.
I keep a file with testimonials so that I can use them in emails and on my sales letters. The very best testimonials are based on the results someone achieved with you, rather than those that just say how wonderful you are. You decide which ones to use to let others get to know you better.
Testimonials Help You with Selling Yourself
The surprising benefit of selling yourself is that you turn the focus away from yourself and towards the people you will serve. Why is this important? The answer is twofold; your confidence level increases and puts your prospects at ease and also you become even more creative when it comes to problem solving for the people you are interacting with. Let’s dig deeper into the process of learning how to sell yourself.
Sell Yourself by Focusing on Your Prospects
As an entrepreneur, selling a product, course, or service requires selling a bit of yourself. But remember that you are there to serve and to solve problems. So as you are explaining and telling a story as to why someone should purchase from you, be sure to take into account that your prospect wants to know more about how you will solve their problem that about how you became accomplished in your field or niche. This has the long-term effect of helping them to increase their resilience and mental toughness, a worthy goal for all of us.
Share only a little about yourself and then shift the focus to listening to your prospect and finding out what they need at that point in time. What is keeping them awake at night and giving them more gray hair or less hair altogether? Then make sure you have a goal. What do you want from this interaction? Answer the following questions carefully…Who are you? What do you do? Where do you want to go, or what are you looking for? You need to know exactly what you want to achieve or no one can help you get there.
Testimonials in Action…
One of my clients, Cheryl A. Major has said that “If Connie is doing it, there’s a very good reason. Why wouldn’t I follow her lead and do that as well?” This is an example of using testimonials. Selling yourself to others in this way – withing a blog post – makes sense on many levels.
How do you get testimonials when you’re just starting out? Ask people who know you in your personal, day-to-day life to take a look at something you’re created for your online business. This could be a blog post, eBook, information product, course, or program. Tell them up front you’d like for them to give you a testimonial, based on what you are working on currently. I’ve found that most people who know us are more than happy to help in any way we need, as long as we present our ask in a way that makes sense to them. I even offer to reciprocate and most of the time they ask me to recommend them on LinkedIn or Alignable or some other platform. The concept of testimonials, selling yourself to others is one that will serve you well throughout your lifetime.
I’m author, publisher, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and if you are interested in learning more about getting your message out to the world please take a look at my recent and popular training on How to Sell Yourself and Your Stuff. Please connect with me on Twitter and join my list (on the right) to learn more about building your online empire.
Thanks for the tips. I need to remember to ask people who email me a compliment if I can use it on my testimonial page.
Thank you for stopping by, Amanda. Yes, Testimonials and selling yourself to others increase our credibility and result in additional sales and overall profitability.
~ Connie Ragen Green