Blog Post Ideas: Tips and Advice Make Sense
When it comes to blog post ideas, tips and advice will make sense in every niche. Think about how you will share a #1 overall most important tip with your visitors, readers, and target audience on a regular basis to create engagement and to position yourself as an expert.
Whenever you are leading a niche audience, you will often find many of your followers coming to you with a concern about focusing on the most important thing they should know.
Many of them will know that they need to understand many different concepts, but they want to start with the vital things in the very beginning. Much of this stems from their desire to avoid taking any missteps at the start of their journey.
In just about every niche, there is one hard and fast rule that everyone should know and understand. You can find these lessons as the main topic of many different books in your niche.
You can look in forums and see the same questions being asked again and again, or the same advice being offered repeatedly. You can use your own experience to look back on your journey and think about what you wish you had known from the very beginning.
If you are in the dieting niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “The Single Most Important Things You Can Do to Lose Weight.” One of the most obvious tips we see in the diet niche is that you have to drink enough water.
So, your blog post might detail the importance of drinking plenty of water when they are trying to lose weight. It can talk about the amount of water they should drink, how drinking a glass of water before meals helps them eat fewer calories, and more. Be sure to share different types of healthy diet lifestyle choices, such as calorie restriction and intermittent fasting to reinvent your life.
If you are in the success niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “The #1 Mindset Shift You Need to Make to Succeed.” One of the things you may have witnessed in your own journey, either by others or even yourself, is that a lack of confidence can hold people back from putting themselves out there as a niche leader.
Therefore, your number one tip could be to work on their level of confidence so that they can project themselves appropriately as experts in their field and lead their niche without hesitation.
If you are in the survival niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “The #1 Most Important Survival Supply You Need.” Many people who are not experienced preppers automatically think about food when it comes to survival purposes.
But you can set the record straight by explaining to them how water is the most important supply they should stock up on. Teach them how they can live longer without food than they can without hydration.
You can also use your blog space to teach them about how to store water for long term purposes, including adding bleach or water purifying drops, which containers they should use, and where it should be stored.
Give Your Audience Advice About Taking a Shortcut or Making Something Easier
Everyone loves to find out about a simple shortcut or hack that can make things take less time or make them easier to carry out. In just about every niche, you can come up with some sort of shortcut that will help your audience.
If you don’t know of any, simply go to your search engine of choice and type in the name of your niche and the word hack or shortcut. This will deliver a variety of ideas that you can then explain in your own words without even reading someone else’s work to ensure that you don’t plagiarize their content.
For example, if you are in the dieting niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “Easy Diet Hack That Helps You Feel Full.” There are many different ways to do this, such as how we mentioned drinking a glass of water before the meal.
However, you might also use a hack such as learning how to put the fork down between bites or put the piece of food down, such as a hamburger. This simple tip will keep people from continually shoving food into their mouth and allow them to recognize the signal of fullness.
If you are in the success niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “Use an Egg Timer to Push Your Productivity and Eliminate Long Work Hours.” This might be a tip that you have used yourself, or something you have seen others do.
Productivity and time management is a very common problem, and you can teach them about an egg timer, or a strategy such as the Pomodoro method that can help them focus on working in shorter increments of time so that they achieve more each day.
If you are in the survival niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “Stock Food that Doubles as a Quick Fire Starter.” Many people don’t want to choose between carrying fire-starting materials and food.
One good hack that has been shared among survival preppers is that you can carry greasy foods, such as Frito chips and use those as kindling to get your fire going. Obviously, you can also teach them that the use of flint and steel would be a better option long term, but this is a hack that can work in a pinch.
As you can see, blog post ideas: tips and advice is an excellent strategy to build a credible business online. Choose a niche topic that is of interest to you and be creative in your approach to sharing information and resources on a regular basis.
I’m bestselling Wall Street Journal and USA Today author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.
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