Even though your followers on Twitter are not are your list, many of them are your prospects. Include them in what you are doing online by tweeting about it regularly. Be sure to let them know where they can sign up for your upcoming teleseminars, newsletter, internet radio show, or latest e-course. This allows you to invite more people to join your list.
Remember that many people use the search feature on Twitter to find out who is tweeting about topics of interest to them, so be sure to use your keywords in your Twitter updates. Be sure your profile is complete, with a picture of you, a link to your blog, and a brief bio about what you do. Also include your location, so that people in your geographic area will have another wa to connect with you.
My goal on Twitter is to connect with my prospects and give them a reason to want to join my list. Be sure to follow me (I’m @ConnieGreen) and let me know what you are doing so that I can retweet it to my followers. We can all grow our businesses by connecting with each other on Twitter. You will find that I answer everyone who replies to me there, and I am more than happy to retweet your blog posts, articles, and other items of importance to you.
Also, make sure your articles and blog posts are being automatically tweeted. EzineArticles does this for your articles, and I use Tweetlater to tweet my blog posts.
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